Earth Blend
to hurt Tina if he did not get money... which was weird because he
had five hundred and thirty-four dollars in his wallet. I... opened
a safe... at school. I'm sorry, Daddy. He promised he wouldn't hurt
her if I did." Laney talked rapidly. "I couldn't let him hurt
    Trevor's face was
pained and saddened. He unstrapped her from the car seat and hugged
her tightly. This was his fault, not Laney's. He should not have
tried to have them live a normal life. It was unfair of him to
expect her to be able to handle the abilities she had when she did
not fully understand them.
    "I'm sorry Daddy."
Her voice was muffled against him.
    He sat her on the
hood of the car. "I'm the one that's sorry, Pumpkin."
    "You're crying."
Laney watched the tears stream down her father's face.
    It was then that
Trevor noticed an unfamiliar car parked in front of the house. It
appeared to have occupants. "We need to get inside," he said,
quickly picking her up. He took her inside the house. Once inside
he locked the door and took Laney up to the attic.
    "What's wrong,
Daddy?" She asked.
    "Laney, you must
hide here until it's safe. Maybe a day or two. Then go to Uncle's
G's house. He will protect you." Trevor instructed.
    A loud bang could
be heard downstairs. Trevor knew someone had kicked open the front
door. He kissed Laney on the head and left her in the attic. He ran
down to his bedroom and picked up the phone. He dialed Gregg's
number. More sounds could be heard on the first floor.
    " Hello ."
Gregg answered.
    "Gregg. It's
Trevor. Someone is in the house. I think they are looking for
Laney. I've hid her in the attic   – "
    At that point in
the conversation, a man rushed into the bedroom and ripped the
phone from the wall. "Where is she?" The man asked.
    Trevor advanced
toward the man.
    The man pulled out
a gun. "I'll ask you again. Where is she?"
    Trevor didn't
hesitate. He charged the man and the two wrestled for the gun. The
struggle sent the two careening into a dresser before crashing onto
the floor. The man ended up on top with the gun. He put the gun to
Trevor's head and pulled the trigger. All struggle ceased.
    Steve and another
man came into the room, guns drawn. After accessing the situation, Steve said. "Find her." The
man behind him took off to find the little girl.
    "What do you want
to do with him?" The trigger man asked.
    "Leave him. We
have friends in the department."
    Upstairs, Laney
heard the attic door open forcefully, followed by footsteps
entering the attic. She had hidden herself behind a stack of boxes.
The footsteps got closer. A man found her behind the boxes.
    "Hello, Laney.
Time to go."
    "No, " she said,
folding her arms.
    "Your daddy told
me to come get you."
    "No. I have to see
Uncle G."
    "That's right.
Your daddy told me to take you to him."
    "He did?"
    "Yep, now come on.
We don't want to keep him waiting."
    Laney let herself
be lead downstairs. "Where's my daddy?"
    "He had something
to do. You'll see him later."
    When they got
downstairs, Laney froze. She recognized Steve.
    "There she is.
Hello, Laney. You remember me, right?" Steve asked
    Laney backed up a
few steps before bumping into the man that had found her. He placed
a firm hand on her shoulder.
    "Easy Ben. She's a
good girl. She'll do exactly as we ask. Isn't that right, Laney?"
Steve asked.
    "I want my
    "I told her she'll
see him later." Ben said.
    Laney's eyes began
to well up with tears. "Where's Tina?"
    Steve knelt down
in front of Laney. "She's with her boyfriend. They are both...
peaceful." Steve smiled and winked at Ben. "Now, it's time to go."
He stood.
    "I have to go to
my Uncle G's house." Laney said.
    "Sure thing,
sweets. We have a few stops to make first." Steve said.
    Laney knew he was
lying, She felt panic rise up inside of her. "I have to go potty,"
She said trying to hide the nervousness she felt.
    "Okay. Show Ben
where the bathroom is." Steve ordered.
    Laney started
walking slowly toward the downstairs bathroom. She felt

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