
Earthseed by Pamela Sargent Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Earthseed by Pamela Sargent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Sargent
which was muddy and slippery and much too steep. Manuel had pulled out his map again and was frowning at it. He did not seem to know what to do.
    Jorge peered over his shoulder. “We could climb down, cross, and head upriver on the other side until we find a spot we can climb.”
    Manuel shook the map, then crumpled it in his fist. “It’ll take too long. We’d have to go up practically to the bend.”
    “How about heading back down toward the lake?” Annie asked.
    “Swampland,” Manuel reminded her. He was right; they had hoped to avoid the hazardous terrain bordering the lake by crossing up here. “It’s too risky—there’s quicksand there.” He smoothed out the map, folded it, and put it away. “It doesn’t matter what we do now. We’ve already lost the Competition. I was counting on crossing here. We’ll lose too much time no matter what we do.” But he was looking around, as if trying to find another way. “If only we had some rope.”
    “We have our ponchos,” Gervais said. He took off his knapsack and removed the garment from it. “Give me yours. We can get down this side and cross the river below. If we tie our ponchos together, we should be able to climb up the other side using them.”
    “There’s only one thing wrong with that,” Manuel responded. “Someone’s going to have to climb the other side without them and then tie them to something.”
    Gervais’s eyes narrowed. “You could do it, couldn’t you?” He paused. “Unless you think someone else would be better at it.”
    The others were watching Manuel. He pressed his lips together. “I can do it,” he said at last. “Let’s see if we can knot these things tight enough first.” He handed Gervais his own poncho. Gervais fumbled with the light fabric and finally tied a knot. Then he and Manuel tested it, pulling hard at each end. “Let’s hope it doesn’t rip,” Manuel muttered.
    They began their descent. It was slow work; the slope was steep, though not nearly as steep as the opposite bank. Zoheret went down ahead of Jennifer, lest the other girl should slip. She wanted to mention Jennifer’s injury to Manuel, but knew that Jennifer would be angry if she did. She moved carefully, finding handholds and footing among rocks and tree roots. Her knapsack pulled at her shoulders. Above her, Jennifer clung precariously; her hands were shaking. Zoheret knew the other girl’s arms were weak. Jennifer’s head shook from side to side. As she reached the bottom, Zoheret helped her down.
    They stood on flat rocks, staring at the river; they were coated with mud. Gervais peered at the flowing water. “There’s a strong undertow. We’d better use the ponchos to cross. Make sure the knots are tight.”
    Zoheret tied her poncho to Jennifer’s, then handed one end to Annie. When all the ponchos had been tied together, Manuel waded into the water, clinging to one end of the chain. When the water was up to his chest, he began to kick with his feet, pulling the makeshift rope after himself. Eddies swirled around him; he drifted downriver. He kicked some more, fighting the current. Gervais followed him while Dmitri and Jorge held the other end of the garments. Manuel struggled out on the other side and ran back along the bank, tightening the chain.
    Everyone crossed while the chain was held at both ends. Zoheret felt the undertow of the river as she crossed; it wetted her clothes and made her knapsack seem even heavier. The sound of the river pounded against her ears. Dmitri and Jorge waited until everyone was across, then followed; the others pulled them through the river quickly.
    Manuel tied one end of the string of ponchos to his belt, then looked up, studying the muddy, rocky precipice before him. He reached up and tried a piece of rock jutting out from the cliff, then began to climb.
    He clung to the surface like an insect, reaching up cautiously with his hands, digging in with his feet. He had left his knapsack below. Zoheret

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