Edge of Honor

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Book: Edge of Honor by Richard Herman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Herman
surface was far more worrisome. The Germans were using it as a cover for buying large tracts of Polish land.
    “The Poles,” von Lubeck said, still rolling the cigar in his fingers, “are asking for our help in modernizing their agricultural sector. We believe that would be beneficial to both countries.”
    “Beneficial?” Serick asked, packing a ton of meaning into that single word. Von Lubeck only smiled in response and Serick decided it was time to flash a little of his famous irritability. “We feel a German expansion in that direction could destabilize Eastern Europe,” he said, stillspeaking in German. It was easy to sound cranky in that language.
    Again, von Lubeck smiled. “Exactly the reason for this conversation, my friend. Germany has no intentions of reclaiming its lost lands. We are content with the current Polish border along the Oder and Neisse Rivers. This is simply an economic endeavor. German agriculture is much more efficient and this, I must emphasize, this will prove beneficial for both countries.”
    “Then why don’t you invest in Polish agribusiness instead of outright purchase of land?” Serick replied, pulling off the diplomatic gloves.
    Von Lubeck showed no sign of surprise at Serick’s revelation that the United States knew what was going on. He waved a hand in dismissal. “There is a certain, ah, shall we say, inherent instability in Polish affairs. We merely want to insure a sound base for our investments.”
    Serick humphed. He knew how Germans interpreted stability. “The United States will not allow a change in Poland’s borders.”
    Von Lubeck guillotined the end of his cigar with a silver cutter. He wanted to say that what the United States wanted was becoming less and less important. Instead, “That certainly is not our intention.”
    Serick knew how quickly intentions could change. He gave a diplomatic sigh of resignation to encourage von Lubeck. “We understand,” the German said, falling for it, “the problems you are having with the lack of resolve and consistency in your current administration.” He lit his cigar and puffed it to life. “Your poor Mrs. Turner is in over her head.”
    Didn’t the world learn anything from the Okinawa blockade? Serick thought. Within weeks after assuming the presidency upon the death of President Roberts, Madeline Turner had to resolve a major crisis in the Far East. China had blockaded Okinawa in an attempt to drive a wedge between the United States and Japan. The world had moved perilously close to nuclear war when fighting broke out. Turner had contained the crisis and brought the Chinese to the negotiating table. But it had been a near thing.
    Von Lubeck came to the heart of the matter. He was amazingly candid. “Our goal in Eastern Europe is economic and political stability which only Germany can provide.”
    Because you don’t think Maddy Turner can , Serick mentally added.
    Williams Gateway, Arizona
    The real business of the air show was conducted on Tuesday after the crowds and most of the civilian aircraft had departed. Only a few corporate jets, the military displays, and a lone blue-and-white T-34 Mentor remained on the ramp. The potential buyers had all been wined and dined by the contractors and builders, the right call girl or boy toy provided, and any other required service taken care of. Now the hard sell could begin.
    Bender was still in civilian clothes when he met Pontowski outside the old operations building. “I do remember this place,” Pontowski said, recalling his days as a student pilot.
    Bender nodded. “I went through training here, too.” He paced slowly back and forth. “My sources tell me WSS has two very interested clients in their all-up pilot-training program.” He named two countries, one in Eastern Europe, the other in North Africa. “Iran and Libya are financing the projects under the table. We can live with the North African venture but the Eastern European deal is in entirely the wrong

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