Electric Light (Blair Dubh Trilogy #3)

Electric Light (Blair Dubh Trilogy #3) by Heather Atkinson Read Free Book Online

Book: Electric Light (Blair Dubh Trilogy #3) by Heather Atkinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Atkinson
completely useless as she continued to scream and cry, demanding her grandson. It was a relief when Jeanette arrived and she took over trying to comfort her.
    “Do you want to see upstairs?” Thorne asked him quietly.
    “No but I suppose I should.”
    They walked up the narrow staircase in single file and stopped just outside Adam’s bedroom. The door was wide open so they had a plain view inside.
    Adam was crumpled in a heap on the bed, one side of his head blown away, blood and brains up the walls, just like Fred’s cottage.
    “Shit,” Craig sighed.
    “Did you know him well?” said Thorne, indicating Adam’s body.
    “Most of my life. He was a paranoid schizophrenic but he was doing well on his medication. I didn’t think he had this in him.”
    “Long range sniper rifle,” said one of the officers, indicating the murder weapon lying on the floor. “High accuracy bolt-action sniper system. There’s a perfect view of the McNab’s cottage from this window.”
    “It doesn’t make sense,” said Craig, trying not to inhale the stench of blood. “How would Adam get hold of a weapon like that?”
    “Weapon of choice of the British Army,” replied Thorne. “It’s amazing what you can find if you’re determined enough.”
    “He was a college student with no military training.”
    “It was an easy shot, less than a hundred yards, calm weather and there’s plenty of woods around here he could have practiced in.”
    “I suppose,” mumbled Craig, not at all happy. “I want the scene gone over with a fine toothcomb and Adam checked for gunshot residue.”
    “I do believe it should be me issuing those orders,” said a voice.
    Craig sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Sergeant Hughes, or the fud as he was known locally. He’d taken over as sergeant when Craig left for Glasgow and he thought he was the dog’s gonads, even though he was completely useless. His stupidity had allowed Mad Mandy to escape custody, putting Freya in danger, but by some miracle he’d managed to cling onto his job.
    Craig spun round, bristling with hostility just at the sound of his voice. He’d never forgive him for what he’d allowed to happen to his wife. “Are you a detective? No. You’re uniform so do your job and start preserving the scene.”
    “I will not be spoken to like that,” huffed the wee man.
    “Then I suggest you fuck off,” growled Craig, infuriated by the man’s idiocy. Three people he’d known his whole life were dead, someone had shot at him and this pompous little prick wanted his ego stroking.
    “What a wee bawbag,” said Thorne as Hughes strode out of the room, cheeks burning with fury and humiliation.
    “He is and he’s a sneaky little backstabbing bastard too so watch yourself.”
    “Thanks for the warning. I’m sorry, this is one fucked-up situation.”
    Craig nodded. “You’re right there but then again, this village has a long history of fucked-up situations.”
    As this wasn’t his jurisdiction Craig exited the house when the local detectives arrived, stunned by what they were confronted with.
    “Sarge,” called a voice.
    Craig was very glad to see PC’s Steve McKay and Gary Reid approaching. Whereas Steve was tall and willowy with dark hair, Gary was squatter and sturdier with no hair. They’d both worked with him when he’d been sergeant here and he liked and respected them as colleagues as well as friends. He’d never been more pleased to see them.
    “Bloody hell. I might have known you’d be here,” said Gary not very diplomatically.
    “Shut it you daftie,” chided Steve.
    “He’s right,” said Craig as he shook their hands.
    “Is Freya here?” said Gary a little too eagerly.
    Craig was well aware he’d had a crush on her for ages, but he wasn’t jealous, he saw it only as a well-deserved compliment to Freya. “No, thank God. She and Petie are back in Glasgow.”
    “That’s lucky. At least she’ll know bad things don’t happen because of her now,”

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