Eloisa James - Duchess by Night

Eloisa James - Duchess by Night by Duchess By Night Read Free Book Online

Book: Eloisa James - Duchess by Night by Duchess By Night Read Free Book Online
Authors: Duchess By Night
    The Duke of Vil iers has arrived, Povy announced.
    He likes the velvet suite, doesnt he? Relishes al that frivolous splendor. Tel him Il see him at supper.
    He is accompanied by the Duchess of Cosway.
    Jem looked up. Who the hel is that?
    To the best of my knowledge, the Duchess of Cosway is some sixty years of age and lives a retired life in Colchester.
    Oh dear, Jem said, grinning. I gather that Vil ierss companion is not an antique countrywoman?
    Povy coughed. It is remotely possible that the young woman in question is the wife of the current Duke of Cosway, son of the aforementioned duchess. I understand that he contracted marriage at a very early age, but since he left the country thereafter, Debretts does not credit the marriage as having reached ful sovereignty.
    Not consummated, in other words, Jem said, tracing the line under the bridge again.
    Do you or dont you think this young woman is the bride-to-be?
    It is possible.
    But equal y possible that Vil iers has brought a fancy piece with him, gusseted up like a Christmas lamb. I wil greet the supposed duchess at supper as wel , Povy. Put Vil iers and the young woman in adjoining rooms.
    Yes, your lordship. They are accompanied by a young man whom the duke introduced as a relative, Mr. Cope.
    Never heard of him either.
    He is quite young, Povy said. It was evident in his tone that Povy considered the young man too young for the exuberant nature of a Strange house party.
    Thats not our problem, Povy. Has my new secretary, Miss DesJardins, settled in yet?
    The young Frenchwoman seems quite comfortable, my lord. She is planning an entertainment for tomorrow. Something cal ed a Tahitian Feast of Venus.
    Jem started smiling. I knew she would liven up our entertainments. Theyve been deadly dul lately. Tahitian as in the country of Tahiti?
    My sense would be that there is little connection, except perhaps that the land of Tahiti is a very warm country, which encourages lack of clothing, Povy said repressively. Miss DesJardins has requested that the fires in the South Bal room be lit to their highest capacity and kept there. He cleared his throat. You might want to encourage the Duke of Vil iers to confine his relative to his quarters tomorrow. Miss DesJardins is talking of twelve virgins.
    Twelve? Jem said, barking with laughter again. She must be trafficking in miracles. There isnt one in the house!
    Mr. Cope Povy began.
    Jem narrowed his eyes.

    The lad has a remarkably innocent face.
    Innocence is a time of life, not an irrevocable blot.
    But Povy had known his master for many years, and he gave him a stern look. Mr. Cope is not prepared for the Feast of Venus.
    Jem got up with a sigh. I suppose Il come down. I might as wel assess this child for myself. What a fool Vil iers is, to bring an innocent to my house. Povy, you do remember Wilkinson, dont you? He had an innocent face, but my word!
    A very different kind of look in Wilkinsons face, Povy said.
    Jem hated to leave his work, but he paid Povy a princes ransom just to know this sort of thing. His house sometimes shook from sins col ected under its roof, but the one thing he could not and would not tolerate was the defilement of innocence. No young woman played a Tahitian virgin in his house unless she did it for pleasure. And no Mr. Cope was going to lose his wide-eyed purity unless he wished to.
    Though honestly, he couldnt remember the last young man whom he thought needed shielding. Vil ierss young relative was probably straining at the leash.
    Wasnt there a time of life when you would have lusted to see a feast of Tahitian virgins, Povy? he asked, leaving the room.
    No, Povy said repressively.
    That seemed to answer that, so Jem continued down the stairs.
    Fifteen minutes later he entered the smal Rose Salon without being announced, paused for a moment to survey his visitors, and then swore under his breath. Povy was an intel igent, canny miracle and he should never have doubted him.
    There was

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