Enchant Me

Enchant Me by Anne Violet Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Enchant Me by Anne Violet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Violet
Tags: YA), paranormal romance, Young Adult, teen fiction, teen romance
lifted off of me and pulled us
both up to sitting positions just as a couple walked by. The woman
kind of giggled as she noticed us. I felt like my enchantment was
probably written all over my face.
     “So what do you worship?” he mused,
gazing up from under his lashes. 
    What could I say? It was kind of a touchy
subject. Most people didn’t understand. That was why I never
bothered countering the rumors. The average person knew so little
about Druids or any of the pagan beliefs. Pagans didn’t even
believe in the devil which would make it kind of hard for them to
worship him. But if Christian was going to have a problem with my
family’s spiritual beliefs I would rather know now than
    I looked at him almost challengingly. “A sort
of Druidism.” 
    His brows lifted. “Really?” he started to
smile mischievously. “I could see you as a nature worshipper,
dancing around a fire, flowers in your hair.”
    I laughed at his romanticized vision, and
then realized he wasn’t far from the truth. “So you aren’t freaked
out or anything?”
    He reached over and took my hands in his.
“No, I’m half Irish myself. Before my mom’s parents died they used
to tell me all the folk tales and myths of ancient
Ireland. “Me too, except it’s my father’s side of the family.”
I felt hope winding through me. He really didn’t have a problem
with it. “Do you believe?”
    While he rubbed my hands with his, trying to
warm them up, he seemed to be considering his answer. “Well…both my
parents were actually Catholics. My grandparents that I live with
were born and bred Italian Catholics. So I have heard both sides. I
guess I still haven’t really decided yet.”
    I nodded; he was in a difficult spot. Luckily
for me, my mom didn’t really practice any particular religion so
she was pretty open, and my dad, while growing up around Druidism,
had chosen not to practice it. “Did your mom’s parents live in
    “No, they had lived in California.”
    “Oh.” I had a thought. “Would you like to go
for a ride on my bike?”
    I was definitely rewarded for that. A huge
boyish smile crossed his face. 
    “Yeah, where can we go to really ride
    “My grandmother has a couple of acres in
Graham. She won’t even know we’re there. There is a back road onto
her property.”
    “Sounds good, I’ll just run this stuff up to
my house and get my helmet.”
    “You have a bike?” I asked excitedly as I
helped him shake out and fold the blanket.
    “I did when I was in California but I sold it
before I came here,” there was a touch of sadness in his
    “Have you thought about getting another
    He smiled at my eagerness. “Maybe I
    Hand in hand we walked up to the parking lot.
I felt that same stupid grin, threatening to explode again. I
avoided meeting his gaze as we walked to my bike; I was sure I was
on the verge of giggling like a 12 year old with her first crush,
any minute. 
    “I will meet you back down here in a
    “How close do you live?”
    “Do you know the big, two-story, white house
up the street?”
    “That’s yours? I have walked by that a ton of
    He smiled and shrugged. “See you in a
    In definite admiration I watched as he
quickly ran up the couple hundred feet to his house. I couldn’t
believe I had never seen him before. My house wasn’t that far from
here. Well, better late than never. I threw on a scarf and gloves,
glad that I had brought them with me. It was going to be pretty
cold driving down the interstate. I smiled to myself looking
forward to sitting behind him, my arms wrapped tight around him.
Since patience wasn’t a quality I had in great supply. I put on my
helmet and rode up to meet him. He was already standing
outside, his thumb out as he saw me ride up. I couldn’t stop
smiling. No man should look that good. In a black leather jacket
and boots he looked--dangerous.
    I flipped my visor up.

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