Enchanted: Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women
something…but immediately she reproached herself for being so foolish, remembering that it was her pride and her freedom that were on the line here.
    Cat gently picked up her foot and placed his warm mouth on it for a lingering kiss. Immediately after the kiss was concluded, Mouse yanked back her foot in a swift motion, with the intention of kicking Cat in the face— an act that would once and for all show him her utter self-possession and lack of response to him. But as she swung her foot forward to deliver the blow, his hand flew out with razor-sharp precision and caught her ankle, holding it in a grip of steel. She gasped at this unexpected turn of events. The strength she felt in the grasp he maintained on her leg sent a thrill through her. She tried to shake him off but he held her with as little trouble as she might have had holding a butterfly by the wing. All at once she was completely disarmed.
    Suddenly she lost her footing, balancing and struggling on the one foot as she had been. With arms and legs akimbo, she fell, bottom first to the floor. With the swiftness of a panther, Cat reached out and caught her, breaking her fall with his hands. She was at first relieved and then horrified. His hands cupped her buttocks. She moved to get up, but he held her.
    "We haven't determined the effect of the kiss yet," he said with smile.
    "What do you mean?" she asked, still struggling to get up and away from his hands.
    "What I mean," he explained calmly, "is that I want to see if I was able to inspire 'anything but your utter disgust' for me with my kiss."
    "Oh…well I can assure you that disgust pretty much sums up my feelings," she lied, trying to appear calm and unaffected. But it was difficult with his strong hands holding her the way they were.
    "I don't believe you," he replied. "And I like to verify things whenever possible."
    "Well, it's not possible," she snapped back. "So you're just going to have to take my word for it."
    "But it is possible," he argued. "It's not only possible, but it's also simple and painless." So saying, he removed his hands from beneath her and pried open her legs.
    At last she realized what he meant to do. A persistent tingling had been building up between her legs since before the kiss and now her desire was all but throbbing within her. "No," she protested. "No." She shook her head back and forth as she struggled desperately to close her legs.
    "If it's as you say," he said in an annoyingly reasonable tone, loosening his hold on her legs for the moment, "after one brief inspection I will leave here and never bother you again. But if you're lying, as I suspect, you are rightfully my slave for the evening."
    She gasped in horror. When did the tables turn and he become the victor?
    "You can admit your desire for me directly if you'd rather," he said patiently.
    "Never!" she nearly shrieked.
    "Well then, you have nothing to hide, have you?" he asked.
    His eyes locked with hers, and it was as if she were hypnotized as she allowed him to open her legs wide. His fingers gently touched her, probing her. She cursed her treacherous body even as she shuddered with pleasure when his finger slid easily into the telltale wetness. He let out a hoarse groan and drew her into his arms.
    "I win," he said, just before his lips claimed hers.
    Her pride was crushed but she could no longer deny that he had won the battle. Still, she conceded grudgingly. Her eyes flashed with anger and she bit his tongue when he pushed it into her mouth. This did not disappoint him in the least; it was again what he had expected from her. He willingly permitted her to vent all her rage on him. After all, he understood how annoying it could be to lose.
    He gently held her arms down until she ceased her clawing, all the while continuing to kiss her tenderly. She struggled to fight off her feelings of attraction to such a worthy opponent; but gradually she began to submit to the warm feelings he kindled in her, and finally she

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