
Enchanter by Kristy Centeno Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Enchanter by Kristy Centeno Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristy Centeno
Tags: YA)
close attention to the ongoing battle
between us.
    “This is serious, Leah.” She frowned. “Every time you guys
look at each other it feels as if one is going to kill the other. It’s
incredibly creepy and completely unnerving.” She visibly shivered. “And dammit,
I’m caught in the middle here.”
    “You’re not in the middle; you’re sitting next to me.”
    “You’re making jokes?” She shook her head. “You must’ve hit
your head harder than I thought.”
    Why does everyone keep telling me that? Was I acting
    “Yes, well, what can I say for myself?” I smiled. “My
attention has spanned elsewhere. For the first time in my life I happen to be
paying more attention to someone aside from myself.” I made sure to say that
loud enough for Brandon’s benefit. Judging by his snickering, I was pretty sure
he heard.
    Now, I could easily say that trying to have a social life
aside from school and work was no longer my number one priority. I was
determined to annoy Brandon to prove to him that I was aware of others aside
from myself. Since he made a point to indicate I never paid any attention to
him, then that’s exactly what I was determined to do.
    Hopefully I would not end up in a ditch somewhere.
    “Yeah, and he’s big enough to hurt you without even trying.”
    “Like that would ever happen.” Even as I said it, I could not
help but wonder just how far aggravating Brandon was going to take me. What if
he turned out to be this crazy psycho killer and used me as the first of many
    The thought forced my body to break out in goosebumps.
    “Don’t put that theory to the test.”
    “I’m not trying to.”
    “Then quit with this battle with our companion over
    “But see, if I turn my head away every time he glares at me,
he’ll win, and I’ll be damned if I let him win.”
    “Since when did this turn into a competition?”
    “Since he accused me of being conceited.”
    Her mouth dropped open for a few seconds. “Have you
forgotten that tomorrow you’re going to be stuck in a house all by yourselves?”
    “No, I haven’t.”
    “Then what are you planning to do? Stare at each other until
the other one dies?”
    I arched my eyebrows. “Is that even possible?”
    “Not funny, Leah.”
    “So I have a new interest in life, sue me.”
    “Now you’re just being difficult.” She chanced a glance back
and, judging by her expression, Brandon was overhearing our conversation. “I
don’t think being your friend is what he has in mind.”
    “Really? What do you think goes on in that head of his?”
    “I honestly don’t want to know.” Sonya pulled on my arm.
“But I don’t want to lose you either so stop with this nonsense.”
    “I think you’re exaggerating, Sonya. I don’t think he’s a
    “Do you know that for sure?”
    “No, but—”
    “Then you’re determined to be his first?”
    “Seen too many movies lately?” I half-asked, half-accused. “There
is nothing but animosity going on between us.”
    “Leah!” She blushed and I knew Brandon overheard us. “Don’t
say things like that. I’m afraid that once he’s alone with you we’ll never find
the body afterwards.”
    I wanted to break out in laughter. “Now I know you’re
    “Honestly?” She shook her head. “Whatever happened between
you two just let it go because I don’t think anyone in this room can take any
more of the tension building up day by day.”
    “Nothing happened,” I said, wanting to put her mind at ease
because I was pretty sure that she still thought the rumors about Brandon
pushing me down the stairs were true. “We argued. I said a few harsh things to
him and he did the same. That’s all, I swear.”
    She did not appear convinced.
    “You must’ve pushed his buttons real good, because he never
    “He pushed mine too, so we both got even. Now stop conjuring
up all these crazy scenarios.”
    “You’re sure?”
    “Why would I

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