Ep.#15 - "That Which Other Men Cannot Do" (The Frontiers Saga)

Ep.#15 - "That Which Other Men Cannot Do" (The Frontiers Saga) by Ryk Brown Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Ep.#15 - "That Which Other Men Cannot Do" (The Frontiers Saga) by Ryk Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryk Brown
left. “Before we begin, I’d like to welcome Mister Aberdin. He is the director of operations for the Cetian orbital shipyards.”
    “Thank you, Admiral,” Mister Aberdin replied, his Cetian accent barely noticeable.
    The admiral turned his attention back to the rest of the people at the table. “This meeting has been called to discuss the current state of the Alliance forces in the Sol sector, and to consider our plans going forward. I have asked President Scott to attend this meeting, as he is the current leader of the Coalition of Nations on Earth. Before we begin our discussions, I shall ask each of you as to the status of your departments.” Admiral Dumar turned again to Mister Aberdin. “Mister Aberdin?”
    “The Cetian orbital shipyards are back in full operation once again. We have had to restrict many of our technicians and specialists from returning to work, due to the high concentrations of Jung nanites in their bloodstreams. However, since we are only operating three of our four assembly bays, we are still able to meet the minimum staffing levels for those three bays. Unfortunately, due to the number of modifications that we are being asked to perform on the frigates as well as the battleship, work is progressing at a reduced pace on the two frigates that have yet to be completed. As it provides the best possible defense for the Tau Ceti system, we have been concentrating our efforts on repairing and modifying the captured Jung battleship, per your request.”
    “How long until the frigates can be completed at your current staffing levels?” Admiral Dumar wondered.
    “At current staffing levels, approximately six to seven months,” Mister Aberdin replied. “At full staffing levels, possibly as little as four months.”
    “Can replacements be trained using Cetians with lower nanite concentrations?” the admiral asked.
    “Building ships in space requires highly trained technicians. It takes many months,” Mister Aberdin explained.
    “Hopefully, we will have an efficient way to remove the Jung nanites long before then,” the admiral commented before turning to the next person. “Captain Taylor?”
    “The testing of our new broadside cannons yesterday went quite well,” Cameron began. “We still have a lot of work to do on our inner decks, including the new fighter launch operations deck, the conversion of the old fighter launch tubes into their new configuration, and the installation of the additional elevator systems between the main flight deck and the new hangar deck below. We are also preparing to install the secondary jump field generators and energy banks, once they are made available to us. However, all our weapons systems are fully functional, as well as our shields, and all flight systems. We are combat ready, sir.”
    “How long until the remainder of your internal modifications are completed?” the admiral asked.
    “Latest progress reports estimate thirty days,” Cameron replied.
    “Captain Scott?” the admiral turned his attention toward Nathan.
    Nathan leaned forward in his seat, placing his arms on the table. “The Aurora is currently in dry dock. Her nose has been opened, and installation of our mark five plasma torpedo cannons has begun. Repairs to the outer hull are nearly completed, and the installation of sixteen mark one plasma turrets on the underside of the hull has also begun. Reports from the dry dock manager and Lieutenant Commander Kamenetskiy indicate that everything is progressing according to plan, and that we should be ready to leave dry dock on schedule in fifty-five days. After that, another thirty days until all internal modifications have been completed, during which time the Aurora will, of course, continue to be combat ready.”
    Nathan leaned back in his seat as Jessica moved forward slightly, expecting to be called next. However, the admiral instead addressed Captain Roselle who sat just beyond Mister Bryant to the admiral’s right.

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