Eulogy's Secret (The Huntley Trilogy)

Eulogy's Secret (The Huntley Trilogy) by Grace Elliot Read Free Book Online

Book: Eulogy's Secret (The Huntley Trilogy) by Grace Elliot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Grace Elliot
Tags: Romance
hoping to see the dawning light of compassion but instead his features darkened.
    “What of it?”
    Eulogy wrung her hands. “Doctor Foster and his wife raised me as their own after Lady Devlin died giving me life.”
    Lucien Devlin narrowed his eyes. “Now I know you are lying. When I was seven, my mother gave birth to a still-born child, but Mother recovered and two years later gave birth to a boy, who outlived his mother by four weeks. She died of child bed fever two weeks after that boy’s birth. I was nine, and if you doubt my memory, there are gravestones to prove it.”
    “But Mary Foster told me…” Eulogy’s head began to spin—Devlin seemed so sure.
    “Miss Foster, you are misinformed.” Devlin tugged heartily on the bell pull.
    Eulogy felt confused beyond reason. Mary Foster never lied. There must be an explanation. She had read the documents and beyond doubt she was Lord and Lady Devlin’s child. Her mind raced. Lucien was a boy at the time, perhaps grief had confused him? Perhaps the young Lucien had closed his mind to his mother’s loss?
    “Miss Foster, your visit is at an end.”
    “On her death bed Mrs. Foster told me I had a brother and I’ve seen the letters.”
    “Which were conveniently stolen,” Lucien said patiently. “Miss Foster, I believe you to be in earnest, but misinformed.”
    “Lord Devlin, this has come as a shock. I appeal to your kindness, I only wish to learn more about my mother and seek shelter.”
    Lord Devlin threw out his arms in exasperation.
    “Madam, you are too cruel. I don’t know what game you play, but raising the specter of my dear departed mother for your own gain, it is too much. I must insist you leave.”
    The footman appeared.
    “I shall return with proof.”
    “Very well.” Devlin gripped the mantle shelf, his knuckles shining white. “Very well, Miss Foster. I shall put this down to grief over the recent loss of your step-mother. I am not an unreasonable man, and if you can furnish me with proof then I will hear you out. But in the meantime, on your honor I ask for your silence. You understand how distressing it would be if ill-founded gossip about my late mother started to circulate?”
    “Of course.” Eulogy gasped. “I would not dream of saying anything. You have my word.”
    She felt adrift and alone. Her brother’s disbelief was like being bereaved all over again, and yet perhaps there was hope, Devlin had the ring. Perchance he would dwell on its significance and wonder how she came by it. Strengthened, she took her leave and in a few days she would call again.
    Until then, the void of an unknown future yawned. For without her brother’s protection and with no money of her own, heaven only knew what she would do.
    Huntley waited to see Miss Foster enter Devlin’s residence and then ordered the coachman to drive off. Settling back against the leather upholstery, he congratulated himself on dealing with this awkward situation with minimal disruption to his schedule. And yet his conscience prickled. Did he truly believe Miss Foster was safe? He sat forward on the seat.
    “Devlin is a carouser, a user of women…”
    He thumped urgently on the carriage roof.
    “Hell and damnation…take me back to Grosvenor Square.”
    Too restless to sit still, Huntley promenaded round the gardens. He walked with the agitation of a swarm of bees seeking pollen.
    “How many virtuous women call on a gentleman unchaperoned?” He quizzed himself. “Answer: none! That wide-eyed innocence is just an act and one I would do well to remember.”
    On his third pass round the gardens, a movement caught his eye as Devlin’s door opened and Miss Foster appeared.
    Unaccountably, his heart lifted, but Miss Foster seemed distressed. Her face chalk white as she hurried down the steps. All thoughts of remaining aloof forgotten, Huntley decided to tear Devlin limb-from-limb if he’d harmed her in any way.


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