Lucian could sympathize heartily with the frustration Catherine undoubtedly felt. She and he had always been independent thinkers. In fact, it had been their recognition of this independence in one another, coupled with their fervent desire to create lives of their own, that had initially drawn Lord Lucian Verney and Lady Catherine Montague together a decade ago, establishing a friendship that had made the rigors of the Season not only bearable but almost enjoyable for both of them.
But later that day as Lucian once again sat in the headmistress’s office overlooking the gardens lying behind the majestic curve of the Royal Crescent’s severely classical facade, he could not detect even the slightest indication that Lady Catherine Granville was not supremely in command of her establishment and her life. She answered every one of his questions with an assurance and an authority that would have been impressive in a sixty-year-old man, much less a woman who was less than half that age.
In fact, it was Catherine and not Lucian who posed the truly uncomfortable question in the interview. “And what other establishments are you considering for your niece’s education, my lord?”
He hoped his face did not betray the sheepishness he felt as he relied. “None.”
“What, not even one? I would be remiss in my duties as an educator if I did not urge you to examine at least one other alternative. If you are truly concerned about your niece’s future, it is imperative that you select an establishment that will suit her.”
“Believe me, there is no need. The moment I entered your office, er, I mean the minute I entered this clearly excellently managed academy I knew it would suit her and I feel no particular need to look elsewhere, for it would be the merest waste of my time.”
“Believe me, I appreciate your flattering assessment of our institution, my lord, but I must reiterate my concern over a decision so hastily made.”
“Your concern is indeed commendable, but I am more than satisfied with my choice.”
“Then I thank you for your confidence in the academy.”
There was no mistaking the ironic note in her voice. Clearly she recognized the firmness of his resolve and gave in to it. Just as clearly she recognized that he had selected her establishment for reasons that had nothing to do with his niece, reasons that he was not about to divulge or even examine himself. Lucian felt an uncomfortable flush rising to his cheeks.
Unable to think of a suitable rejoinder Lucian executed an impressively formal bow and strode from the room, leaving her to stare thoughtfully after him.
Chapter Six
It would have done Catherine a considerable amount of good to know that his thoughts were in as much turmoil as hers, that his air of cool detachment was no more real than hers.
She had hoped that after recovering from the initial shock of seeing Lucian again she would adjust to the idea of his being the Marquess of Charlmont, the uncle of a prospective student, and that she would be able to relegate him to the ranks of the rest of her patrons who possessed the good sense and discriminating taste to entrust their female relatives to her care. In other words, he would represent nothing more or less to her than a business proposition.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, as the case might be, business propositions did not make her heart pound and her knees go weak. The Marquess of Charlmont, however, did, even after eight years of marriage and two years of widowhood.
It was not a weakness Catherine liked to admit, but admit it she did. She had always done her utmost to be brutally honest with herself, struggling on a regular basis to face issues squarely and deal with them accordingly. This had been easily enough accomplished when, admitting to herself that she was not what the world would call a beauty and recognizing that she was far too independent to inspire masculine protectiveness or devotion, she had settled for a