Evermore, an Arotas Novella (The Arotas Series)
okay, you know?”
looks down at the patch of frozen ground before her. It is still
possible to just make out the streaks of blood that have frozen
within the ice layers. “It’s okay to love him,” he
reaches out to take his hand, clasping it tightly in her own as she
struggles to breathe. He places a hand around her waist and draws her
into his embrace. Leaning her head against his shoulder, she closes
her eyes to the sunset. “He was my past.”
He pulls back just enough to be able to look down at her. “He
is a part of you. Your past, present, and future. Just because you
are with me now doesn’t mean he is any less a part of who you
are. Fane was a good, honorable man. I am grateful he was in your
holds her breath, her lips trembling too hard to be able to form a
coherent word. What
sort of strength must it take for a man to not only acknowledge her
love for another, but to go a step further and embrace it with an
open heart? she
muses as she clings to him.
you,” she finally manages to whisper.
grip on her tightens as he presses his lips to her forehead. She can
feel the warmth of his lips and his heart in that kiss.
you think he would approve? Of us, I mean?” she whispers as the
colors overhead sink into the depths of night.
do you know?” she asks, barely over a whisper. This is a
conversation she never wanted to have with him, but now that he is
here, she can’t imagine why she waited so long.
rests his head atop hers, shielding her from the winds that whip
across the frozen tundra. In the distance, they can hear wolves
beginning to emerge from their dens. “Because he loved you
enough to put your happiness first. Why do you think he sacrificed
himself for you?”
pauses, chewing on her lower lip. Her hair flutters in the breeze,
tangling in her eyelashes, but she doesn’t push it aside. A
part of her feels comfort in being able to hide, even if only
has never been very good at expressing herself. Emotion makes her
weak, vulnerable to attack. She learned long ago to shove her
feelings down as deep as she could so no one could ever wound her as
much as Vladimir did. Some scars will never heal.
don’t know. I guess I tried not to think about it after he…”
She trails off as her voice begins to quake.
shifts so he is able to look directly at her. She darts a glance
toward him, with every intention of shying away, but finds herself
captivated by the glow in his eyes. Not the faint blue glow that used
to emanate from within when his cross tattoos would flame to life,
but something different altogether.
died so you could live. Not just to breathe and walk through the
motions each day, but to embrace life and all that it had to offer
you. What I had to offer you.” He falls silent for a moment and
then smiles. “Fane never told you that we talked, did he?”
She rears back. “No. He never said anything.”
thought as much.” He nods, his head tilting to the side as if
trying to decide how to word his next statement. “Fane knew
before going into battle that he would protect you.”
turns to look at her, his gaze softened by gratitude. “He
promised me you would make it, no matter the cost.”
sucks in a breath, wincing as the frigid air burns her lungs, but she
doesn’t let it go. Instead, she thrives off the pain, feeling
like it is only a small portion of the agony she deserves.
at his hands, Gabriel opens them, palms facing toward the sky, as if
offering supplication. “I knew what he meant when he said those
words. I should have told you, warned you of his intent, but I
didn’t.” His voice cracks as he clenches his fists tight
enough to drain the color from his fingers. “I was selfish. I
knew the risks of losing you and I couldn’t bear to warn you
because I

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