Everything That You Are

Everything That You Are by Nikki McCoy Read Free Book Online

Book: Everything That You Are by Nikki McCoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki McCoy
Tags: Gay MM/ Paranormal/ Wereshifters
identity was recognised by them.
    The blood that coated their muzzles, the disembowelled body that now lay lifeless upon the hard-packed earthen floor, the tone of their growls, which had gone from menacing to excited upon sight of him—none of this bothered him. He’d seen it all countless times with these very wolves in the past. What had his heart trying to beat its way out of his chest was the fact that they had found him.
    Kaden wanted to scream, cry, shout at them to go away, but he could do none of those things. They had found him, and they would take him back to their Alpha. The thought of the punishment he would receive for running caused a small groan to escape his lips.
    The largest wolf, in the middle, whom he knew to be Thomas, shifted to his human form, confirming Kaden’s suspicions. He stalked towards Kaden slowly, as if he had all the time in the world after committing murder. Kaden felt his gaze lower to the man’s waist and his body cower before him, assuming the position of submission that had been beaten into him for years.
    “So this is where you’ve been hiding, little half-breed. Alpha Gregory will be so pleased to have you back again. In fact—” he spared a glance for the wolves flanking either side of him—“I think we should remind you of your duties before we take you back. Gregory always was selfish when it came to you.”
    Kaden could feel the acid from his stomach burning its way up to his throat and his body start to shake uncontrollably as Thomas lunged at him, bringing the back of his hand across Kaden’s face. Blood burst from his lower lip and nose but he barely felt the blow before his body was tackled to the ground. The oppressive weight of the man on top of him crushed him into the hay and dirt on the floor.
    Suddenly, one of the wolves let out a low warning growl, which pulled Thomas’s attention away from Kaden and had him sniffing the air to determine the threat that the other wolf had sensed. Kaden’s head was still reeling from the strike dealt to him, but he managed to open his eyes just in time to see Thomas shift back to his wolf form and herd the others out through the front entrance.
    They retreated in a haste that left Kaden confused and more than a little scared as to what could possibly have caused them to run away. Blood was pooling in his mouth and he turned to spit it out but couldn’t get his limbs back under control enough to rise.
    Fear was still coursing through his body unchecked a few minutes later when he heard another sound. Thinking the trio had eliminated whatever threat they had perceived and come back for him, he curled into a ball, knowing that he stood no chance against their superior weight and strength.
    Kaden desperately tried to keep himself from hyperventilating as the sound of paws padding along the earthen floor drew closer. It was the scent of the wolf that reached him first, well before he could make out its form in the dark interior of the barn. The smell of musk, evergreens, and the cloying aroma of rich, damp earth hit his nostrils and recognition slammed into him with a force that made him gasp.
    It’s him! Michael. The one were he’d never thought to see again in his life. The one who had rejected him so many years ago was stalking towards him in a slow, purposeful gait. The wolf crossed the distance between them in one leap, shifting swiftly to his human form so that when he landed, he was hovering above Kaden on his hands and knees.
    The man, suddenly larger than life, reached down to gently lift Kaden’s chin. So much emotion came through in that simple, warm touch. Joy, fear, desperation—but it was the overflow of excitement that, when combined with his own, made his entire body vibrate uncontrollably.
    Michael tilted Kaden’s face to the side and a wave of anger rolled through Kaden . He knew the man had noticed the dark splotching on his face that could only be bruises and blood. Kaden watched the face above him

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