Facing the Music And Living To Talk About It

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Book: Facing the Music And Living To Talk About It by Nick Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nick Carter
career success and tried to make me feel guilty about it. I felt trapped, but because of the environment I grew up in, I really didn’t know what a healthy relationship should be like.
    I was still a teenager, but I actually moved in with this girl and her family for a while, which was like jumping from the frying pan into the fire in some ways. I don’t blame the girl. She was young too. We both had insecurities and baggage. My career was taking off so fast neither one of us could keep up with everything going on.
    Our relationship became so stressful that I became physically ill. I developed a cough that wouldn’t go away and my complexion turned gray. I was afraid there was something seriously wrong with me. That is how powerful the mind and our emotions can be. They were eating at my soul.
    If you find yourself in a similar situation, I suggest you seek help because it’s tough for you to find a way out on your own. Someone you trust to have your best interests at heart can help you make the hard decisions you’ll need to make in order to remedy the situation. Be aware that some of your decisions may come with consequences. Sometimes you might be in an unhealthy relationship or you might be in an environment that is not good for you and you’ll not only have to recognize the situation for what it is, but you’ll have to change things about those relationships. If you find yourself too upset, stressed out or feeling sick over it, as I did, you may need help from a therapist to figure out what to do.
    When I finally got out of the relationship that was troubling me so much, the feeling of freedom and liberation I felt was fantastic. I had no idea just how much that situation was affecting me. I still needed help from a therapist to resolve the issues and baggage I carried into the relationship, which is another important thing to remember. Sometimes the problem isn’t the other person, or isn’t JUST the other person. Bad relationships can grow worse because of what you bring into them, too.
    One of the mistakes I made, which I hope to help you avoid, is that for the longest time I never stopped to ask why I was being so self-destructive and angry. It never occurred to me to look at where I’d been, where I was headed, and where I wanted to end up in life.
    Even when people who cared about me tried to warn me, I mostly blew them off. I didn’t want to evaluate my actions or think about why I was choosing them over other options. I thought I was in control until I found myself at the bottom of a deep black hole wondering what the heck had happened to me.
    It’s taken me a long time to climb out of that hole and put my life back on track. One of the first big steps I took was to look at what led me to nearly self-destruct, examine why that happened, and decide to take a healthier and more constructive path.
    Once you truly believe that you deserve a better existence, you’ll have to clean house of the negatives in your life. By that I mean you have to clear out all of the hurtful and self-defeating baggage that’s stacked up over the years so you can start your new life without any old burdens.
    Every song, movie plot and book of fiction has a back-story. Many singers, screenwriters, actors and authors consider that history when writing or performing. They ask what has happened to their characters in prior years to make them act the way they do in the song, movie or book. Your back-story may say a lot about you too. So in this chapter, I’m asking you to consider the people, events and circumstances in your life that may have influenced your behavior to this point.
    Some of those people, events and circumstances may have had a positive impact, but if you have struggled like me, odds are that some of them were negative influences. To help you understand how to do this and

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