Fair Play

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Book: Fair Play by Deirdre Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deirdre Martin
    â€œThat they’ll try to bury us if we turn down their offer.”
    â€œHow much do you think it will be?”
    â€œA lot.” She didn’t sound happy.
    â€œThe nephew was cute,” Theresa noted lamely, apropos of nothing.
    â€œYes, I noticed the two of you making eyes over the muffin tray.”
    â€œHardly,” Theresa sniffed.
    â€œWell, thank God that’s over,” said Janna, massaging the back of her neck. She glanced at her watch. “ And you won’t be late for the softball game.”
    â€œLucky me.” She watched Janna. “You gonna be okay?”
    â€œOf course. You?”
    â€œTotally,” Theresa scoffed. But neither would quite meet the other’s eyes.
    Theresa wasn’t a big softball fan, probably because she’d never been to a game when she wasn’t working. By the time she got back to the office in the late afternoon she was exhausted, and wanted nothing more than to shut her door and steal fifteen minutes for a power nap. But just as she was preparing to close her eyes, Terrence buzzed.
    So much for recharging her batteries.
    She pushed down the intercom button. “Yes?”
    â€œThat extremely adorable blond boy who was here this morning is back to see you,” Terrence murmured breathily into the phone.
    Theresa immediately perked up. “Reese Banister?”
    â€œUh huh.”
    â€œAnd did he hear the less than professional way you just described him?” Theresa chided, doing a quick check of her office to make sure it wasn’t too much of a mess.
    â€œGive me some credit, please,” Terrence replied in a low but indignant voice. “He’s in the lobby area thumbing through an issue of Men’s Health. ”
    â€œDid he say what he wants?”
    â€œSomething about wanting you to bear his children. It was too graphic, so I blocked the rest out.”
    â€œYou’re treading on thin ice, Terrence. I hope you realize that.”
    â€œYes, but you love me anyway. Shall I send him back?”
    She released the intercom button, and rising, smoothed the front of her slacks before pinching some color back into her cheeks and hurriedly applying a coat of lipstick. God, was she pathetic or what? When the anticipated knock sounded, she squared her shoulders and stood up straight. Physically, she felt more than presentable. But her emotional state was another matter. Her insides were buzzing like an excited school girl’s.
    She opened the door. “Reese.” She didn’t need to fabricate a smile. “This is a surprise.”
    â€œNot a bad one, I hope.” He returned her smile with one of his own that left Theresa feeling distinctly fluttery.
    â€œCan I come in?”
    â€œOf course.”
    Standing in the doorway, she watched as his eyes traveled over every surface in her office, stopping when he got to her Miro lithograph.
    â€œYou like Miro?” he asked, sounding surprised.
    Theresa didn’t know whether to be flattered or insulted as she nodded. “Do you?”
    â€œA great deal.” He continued surveying her office, then became aware of what he was doing and stopped. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “You have such an interesting office, so many books and things, I couldn’t resist checking it all out.”
    â€œIt’s all right.” She took a step toward him. “What can I help you with?”
    â€œAfter we left, it dawned on me we’d forgotten to give you some info we’d brought with us about Butler Corporation and its most recent acquisitions.”
    â€œOh. So you stopped back with it. How nice.” Theresa smiled again, this time to hide her disappointment. Business. He’s only here on business.
    Sitting down, Reese opened his briefcase on his knees and extracted the paper in question. Theresa feigned scanning it, even going so far as nodding her head

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