Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel by Patricia Puddle Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Fallen Angel by Patricia Puddle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Puddle
“Wow, she’s still as stunning as ever.”
    Grabbing Devlin’s arm,
Nathaniel frowned. “Okay, it’s time you left.”
    But Devlin wasn’t
listening to a word he said. He was too busy gawking at Madeline in
her skimpy nightdress. And from the hungry look in his eyes, it was
going to be hard to get him to leave. At that moment, Devlin’s
weird behaviour suddenly made sense. He wasn’t just obsessed with
Eloise because she was a descendant of a fallen angel, he had a
crush on her beautiful mother .
    Nathaniel gritted his
teeth. No way did he want Devlin hanging around and gawking at
Madeline like that, especially knowing Eloise had grown up to look
like her, except for the colour of her hair. He shoved him hard.
“Did you hear me?” he yelled.
    Devlin blinked.
    “ Okay, I
don’t know if you’re doing this just to annoy me or if you’ve lost
the plot, but you, my friend, need to go to Angel Rehab to recover
from your addictions. And until you do, I don’t want you hanging
around here. So it’s up to you.”
    Devlin’s eyes flashed.
“Jesus Christ, Nathaniel, don’t start with that again. I’m not
going to no angel frigging rehab again. Michael got me there once
and that was enough. ”
    Nathaniel rolled his
eyes. “I see you’re still blaspheming and using your potty
    Running his hand through
his hair, Devlin glared at him. “Why are you always so
self-righteous? You’re not bloody perfect, you know.”
    “ I never said
I was, but.....” Ah, he was wasting his breath. Devlin wasn’t even
listening to him. He was more interested in gawping at Madeline as
she bent over to gather stray pegs from the grass. Nathaniel shook
his head. Devlin hadn’t changed. He was just using their friendship
to get what he wanted.
    Nathaniel ran his hands
through his hair. Had Lucifer put Devlin up to this? No
matter what, he had to get him to leave before Eloise came out. No
way did he want Devlin gawping at her the way he was looking at her
mother, and if he saw how beautiful Eloise was, he’d try everything
to get her to her. Then it occurred to him that Devlin might have
already been spying on her, and if he had, he’d know what she
looked like. Nathaniel clenched his fists. That was it! He had to
force him to leave.



Chapter Five
    Nathaniel thought his day
couldn’t get any worse, but when he saw the curtain move in
Eloise’s bedroom, he totally lost his patience. He couldn’t change
Devlin’s behaviour, but he didn’t have to put up with it here.
There was no point in asking him to leave. He seemed set on being
downright irritating, and he knew what he was doing. Clenching his
teeth, Nathaniel reached over and plucked a large feather from
Devlin’s right wing.
    His mouth open, Devlin
spun around and frowned. “Hey, what’s the big idea? Are you
    “ I’m not sure
about me, but I know you are. Why would you want to give up
eternity for a few years of physical pleasure on Earth?”
    “ What are you
talking about?”
    Nathaniel raised his eyes
to the sky. “You know very well what I’m talking about. You haven’t
taken your eyes of Madeline since she came outside.”
    Devlin’s lips twitched
with amusement as he pointed at her. “But look at her. She’s
drop-to-Earth gorgeous. Are you telling me you haven’t had
wicked thoughts about her?”
    Nathaniel glowered at
him. “No, I haven’t, and I think you’d better go.”
    “ Oh, come on,
Nate, we’ve seen everything . Don’t you ever wonder why humans enjoy sex so much?”
    “ No, Devlin,
I don’t. Angels don’t have hormones like men, so we shouldn’t be
    “ Really?
Well, what about Eloise’s grandfather? He got tempted.”
    “ Yes, and
look what happened to him. His wings were burned off. Is that what you want?”
    “ No, but I am
curious about human pleasures and what they feel like.”
    Nathaniel gripped his
friend’s shoulders and looked him in the eye. “Listen, Devlin.

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