
Falling by L C Smith Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Falling by L C Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: L C Smith
like he's yelling at someone. I guess Hayden finally found him. Funny, I thought she would have called before now. Unless he had his phone turned off. My stomach jumps at the thought.
    Here we go. “Miss South, where have you been? You know that you must return by six thirty on school nights.”
    “Sorry, Mrs. Snouse. I got caught up and didn't realise what the time was.”
    “Well, I don't care what you were caught up with. And I see that a young man dropped you off. I hope he had nothing to do with why you are late.” Her nostrils flare at the excitement of finally catching me in something.
    “I'm so sorry I got Reid home late. Mrs. Snouse is it?” Keller holds out his hand to her. Where did he come from? I didn't even hear anyone behind us. “Reid was at the library, and my father owns a record store three stores down. We had a water pipe burst and she helped out while he was with the plumber. She tried to get back on time, but my dad wouldn't hear of her not getting dinner before she came home. I am so sorry again that she was late. I'll tell my dad that she really does have to be back by six thirty next time.”
    “Oh. Right.” Mrs. Snouse is as unprepared for this as I am.
    “Would you like my dad to call you about it?” He is smiling so sweetly you can do nothing but believe every, single, syllable, he utters while you melt at the sound of his voice.
    “Wow.” Sara whispers in my ear. I just move my head ever so slightly up and down, but my eyes stick to Keller like glue.
    “No, that will be fine. Please pass along to your father that we expect all students to be returned by six thirty, there are no exceptions to this. I will not gate Reid this time because it wasn't completely her fault. Although I suspect she wasn't entirely rushing to get back. Thank you. You may leave now. The girls need to get in and ready for tomorrow.”
    Mrs. Snouse stands there looking at him, trying to move him off the property with her eyes. I walk behind her so she can't see me. “Thank you so much. You are the best in the whole world.” His smile stops midway. I really have to stop mocking his girlfriend with things that I’m not supposed to know.
    “See you later.” He calls as he skips down the steps. But he’s stopped before he reaches Ernie.
    “Hi, how are you?” Megan smiles at him, pushing a bunch of her hair out of her face. “Nice to meet you.” Ew, even her mum is giving him that smile.
    Sara and I freeze in place, watching them ooze over him. Mrs. Snouse starts walking, herding us into school, and Keller makes it back to his car without either of them following.
    “Reid, you will still be stood down from the swim team for a week. Six thirty is not negotiable.” She announces as soon as we are in the building.
    I feel my stomach tighten, apart from Sara, swim team is the one and only thing that keeps me going here. “Yes, Mrs. Snouse.” I mumble, at least I’m not gated I think as we walk back to our room.
    Sara shuts the door to our room. “How fabulous is he! Tell me everything.” She says as she kicks her new floral weekend bag across the room.
    I laugh. “There's really nothing to tell. He has a girlfriend, who starts college tomorrow. He was just giving me a ride home.”
    “Yeah, right. You so did not come back from his dad's shop.”
    I laugh again, “something like that. I'm going to hit the shower, I'll see you later.” I quickly grab my towel, dodging all her questions and head out the door.
    “Reid, why is your back all wet?” Sara calls out.
    “Didn’t you hear? A water pipe burst.” I say closing the door.
    “Did you see that guy walking out?” Megan stops me in the hall. She must be in serious dream-land if she’s having an actual conversation with me.
    “Yip.” I keep walking.
    “Why was he here? I saw him talking to Mrs. Snouse. “Oh, is he a new teacher?” She squeals.
    “No, he's not a teacher.”
    She raises her eye brow at me. “And how do you know all this.

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