False Colours

False Colours by Georgette Heyer Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: False Colours by Georgette Heyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette Heyer
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
You’re not like Henry yet ,but when you said outrageous ,in that condemning way, you did put me in mind of him. You didn’t care a rush about doing outrageous things before he pushed you into being a diplomat, and never would you have raised all the foolish objections!’
    ‘I was three years younger then, Mama.’
    ‘So was Evelyn, but he hasn’t changed! In your place he wouldn’t hesitate for a moment, or think about propriety, or be afraid to take a trifling risk or two! I can’t think what has come over you, Kit!’
    ‘The diplomatic service, and a want of dash. Alas that you should have given birth to a pudding-heart, Mama!’
    ‘That I would never believe!’ she declared.
    ‘Thank you, love! It pains me to disillusion you, but when I think of coolly walking into Stavely’s house, and palming myself off as Evelyn, I find myself shaking like a blanc-manger!’
    She laughed. ‘Oh, no, Kit! That’s coming it too strong! You never did so in your life. I know very well you are not afraid, but you do seem to me to be sadly cautious! ’She put up her hand to his cheek, compelling him to turn his head fully towards her. ‘Don’t banter me, but tell me the truth, wicked one! Do you think you couldn’t do it?’
    He hesitated. Then he said bluntly: ‘No. For one evening, amongst a set of persons who are not well enough acquainted with Evelyn to know his mannerisms, I’m pretty confident I could do it. And, in certain circumstances, I’m not yet so prim and prosy that I shouldn’t enjoy doing it!’
    ‘There!’ she said triumphantly. ‘I knew you couldn’t have changed so very much!’
    ‘No, Mama, but this isn’t a matter of playing a Canterbury trick on people who would think it a very good joke if they found me out. But to cut such a sham to gain an advantage is quite another pair of shoes. And only think, Mama, what a humiliating insult I should be offering to Miss Stavely!’
    ‘I don’t see that, Kit. For one thing, she won’t know it; and, for another, she would be much more humiliated if you didn’t take Evelyn’s place. Do but consider! Can you conceive of anything more—more annihilating than to be obliged to tell all the relations who have been invited to meet one’s betrothed that he has excused himself from attending the party? For my part, I should be grateful for the masquerade!’ She caught his hand, and pressed it. ‘Kit, for Evelyn’s sake! He would do it for you!’
    That was undeniable. Evelyn would do it, and revel in it, thought his twin, with a gleam of amusement.
    ‘Only for one day!’ urged Lady Denville.
    ‘If we could be sure of that! What if it should prove to be very much more than one day? I couldn’t maintain such an imposture: I should be bound to run against his cronies—some, perhaps, whom I shouldn’t even recognize!’
    ‘Oh, if Evelyn doesn’t come back in a day or two, we shall say you are unwell, or have been obliged to leave town on business! But he will, Kit! Indeed, I have a feeling that he will return tomorrow.’
    ‘I hope to God he does!’ said Kit fervently.
    ‘Yes, but we must be provident ,dearest, and be ready to meet any mischance. And, do you know, I have suddenly thought that it might be a good thing if you should be obliged to go to the party in his stead! I very much fear that old Lady Stavely has heard tales about him which have made her suspect him of being rather wild—in fact, quite ramshackle, which is untrue, of course, or, at all events, grossly exaggerated! And although he means to behave with the greatest propriety I can’t help thinking that you would deal with her much better, through being a diplomat, and knowing how to look grave and sober at formal parties, which Evelyn hasn’t the least idea of. I won’t conceal from you, Kit, that if Cressy’s aunts and uncles and cousins are a set of dead bores, which is extremely likely—only consider one’s own relations!—I have the liveliest fear that Evelyn will say

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