Fatal Pursuit (The Aegis Series)

Fatal Pursuit (The Aegis Series) by Elisabeth Naughton Read Free Book Online

Book: Fatal Pursuit (The Aegis Series) by Elisabeth Naughton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Naughton
the street in the hotel with that loser. He tossed back the second shot, reached for his beer, and downed half of it to ease the burn.
    What did he care if she fucked the guy? She was his employee, not his girlfriend. He didn’t have time for a girlfriend. Didn’t need the trouble of a girlfriend. And he’d sure as hell never pick Marley—headstrong and snarky as hell—to fill that role even if he was in the market for one.
    He finished his beer, pulled cash from his pocket, then signaled the bartender and paid his bill.
    The bartender held up the bottle of guaro. “Sure you don’t want another, amigo ? You missin’ out on a good time.”
    Jake eyed the clear liquid, considered for a second the oblivion he knew the bottle held, then shook his head. “No. Thanks. I’ve got a flight to catch.”
    He grabbed his pack and moved around tables toward the bar’s exit. Across the street, the dumb oaf who’d taken Marley upstairs stepped out on the sidewalk, rolled his shoulders as he looked up and down the dark road, then turned to his right.
    Jake glanced at his watch, then to the blond dude heading away from the hotel. Twenty minutes. The loser had spent all of twenty minutes up there in her room. Oh yeah, he was a real catch. He’d gotten her wasted, taken advantage of her, then split.
    Jake didn’t think twice. He hefted the pack over his shoulder and followed. Ronan . . . Ronan . . . He knew that name. As he tailed the asshole, his brain skipped over the name, then finally made the connection.
    Motherfucker. She’d hooked up with Ronan Hamilton?
    Jake didn’t know the former DELTA soldier personally, but he knew enough. A few of the guys Jake had served with had worked with Hamilton in the past. And Hamilton’s reputation as a lone wolf was legendary. As was the reason he’d been dishonorably discharged from the military.
    Hamilton stopped two blocks down the dark street and turned in the middle of the sidewalk. “Dude, whatever your problem is, I don’t want it.”
    Jake dropped his bag on the ground, stepped over it, and advanced on Hamilton. “You’re my problem. Stay away from her.”
    “Whoa.” Hamilton held up both hands. “You’ve got the wrong idea, man.”
    “No, I’m pretty sure I’ve got the right one.” Jake moved even closer, every muscle in his body bunched and ready for a fight. “She’s not a toy for you to use and lose.”
    Hamilton dropped his hands to his hips, shook his head, and chuckled. “You’ve seriously got this all messed up. She and I are—”
    “I know exactly what you are, Hamilton.” Jake shoved his finger into the guy’s chest. “And I know what you like to do to unsuspecting women.”
    Hamilton’s eyes turned hard and icy, and all humor fled his features. His muscles tensed, and his jaw turned to steel beneath his scruffy beard. “You don’t know shit, Ryder. And you need to back the fuck off, right this second.”
    So he knew who Jake was. Marley had probably told him, not that Jake cared. Jake searched the other man’s features. Fury simmered beneath the cool blue eyes. A fury he sensed Hamilton only just held back.
    Jake dropped his hand, but he didn’t step away. “Leave.”
    “She asked for my help. I didn’t volunteer.”
    “Well, she doesn’t need you anymore now that I’m here, does she?”
    “You’re gonna stay? After that little show you put on in the hotel?” He shook his head. “Something tells me you’re the last person she wants around.”
    “I’ll stay.” Would he? Shit, yeah, he would . There was no way he was leaving Marley alone in this country now. “Marley will just have to deal with me.”
    Hamilton’s gaze searched Jake’s face. Long, tense seconds passed before he finally shrugged. “Fine. No skin off my nose. Saves me a headache anyway. She’s supposed to meet me tomorrow morning for breakfast at nine in the hotel restaurant. I’ll split, but know this, Ryder. If you leave her here . . . If I find out you

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