Fate of the Blood Moon's Path

Fate of the Blood Moon's Path by Tiffany Potter Read Free Book Online

Book: Fate of the Blood Moon's Path by Tiffany Potter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Potter
breathed in. There was the smell of meat and mead in the air making my mouth water.
    I held tightly to her at my side as I flew by all the trees and rocks. Then we made it to the top. To their camp.
    “You made it!” Braeden said as we approached the camp. Scarlet was quiet. I assume that she has never traveled that way before, in a crazy fast speed.
    “You’ll get used to it.” I whispered to her. Braeden heard, and laughed.
    “I doubt it.” Scarlet replied. “Can’t I just travel the normal way, with my legs, and slow?”
    I laughed.
    “You found this place alright then?” Braeden asked smiling at us.
    “Yes.” I answered. Scarlet was still quiet and looking like she wanted to tip over.
    “Oh! I’m so glad you came!” Quinn yelled. I smiled in return. “Come, come! Have food, and drink! We shall talk!” He motioned for us towards a small fire that no one was around. They were all in the other areas feasting and having a grand time.
    “Thank you.” I said as I sat down in front of the fire. I took my jacket off and laid it by my feet.
    “Those are quite the swords you have there.” Quinn said seeing my weapons draping across my back in their sheaths.
    “I do hope that you are looking at my swords…”
    “Of course I am!” His laugh boomed loudly. “We should keep you around for good fun!” He laughed again taking a sip of mead and drooling all over himself.
    “So what is it you wanted to speak about?” I changed the subject.
    “Oh yes, the matter at hand that does not involve swords yet. Here eat, drink!” He said passing a platter around with some cooked meat.
    “So, the matter at hand?” I asked taking a mouthful. It was truly an amazing piece of venison.
    “Vampyres.” Quinn got serious. Braeden came and sat down next to me looking into the fire and then threw more wood into it.
    “Our natural born enemy.” He said.
    “Yes, but do we have a choice?” Quinn asked that question looking at Braeden. I sometimes wondered who was really in charge here.
    “Their numbers multiply faster than we can kill them.” Braeden was now looking at me. I could see Scarlet from the corner of my eye. She was staring into the flames watching them dance back and forth in the darkness.
    “And what does this have to do with us?” I asked.
    “Hybrids. You don’t get it?” Braeden asked.
    “I have dedicated a better part of my life to killing those bastards and you sit there and accuse me of not understanding?” I said in defense, and almost laughing while asking them that.
    “Ok, so you do understand; and you kill them. But why do you kill them?” Quinn asked.
    I guess I had never really thought about that. It was just how I was raised.
    “I live for the kill, for one. Second, they want me dead. I was raised this way. Why do you care if they live or die?” I took another sip of mead.
    “They don’t want you dead. They want you alive, On their side. But we can’t have that. A powerful weapon such as yourself…you’re practically indestructible.” Quinn pointed out. “I don’t care if they die, but we don’t want them to live either. They’re parasites. They are out there destroying the very life that sustains this world.”
    “How is it you know that they want me alive?”
    “Our capture a few months ago.” Braeden smiled.
    “You captured a Vampyre! Pray tell, how did you do that?” I asked Braeden with a grin.
    “Well, he was in out territory so we took him down, locked him up and tortured him for answers.”
    “Where is this Vampyre now?” I asked.
    “We killed him.” Quinn stated. We all sat quiet for a few minutes.
    “So after you got what you wanted from him you killed him?” I asked to just clarify.
    “Wouldn’t you have done the same?” Braeden asked.
    Quinn sighed, “The Black Thorn has to be terminated. If they are not, can you even possibly imagine what life will be like for the human kind?” He asked.
    “There won’t be any humans left. They

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