Fate (The Edge of Forever)

Fate (The Edge of Forever) by D.C. Gambel Read Free Book Online

Book: Fate (The Edge of Forever) by D.C. Gambel Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.C. Gambel
making me forget my thirst, like talking with Grayson did.
    After Grayson paid for dinner, he led me from the restaurant. Walking down the street, neither one of us called for a taxi. A cool breeze blew. Even in June there was a chill to the evening air. I ran my hands up my arms trying my best to warm them. Grayson noticed. Without a comment, he shrugged out of his suit jacket and slipped it around my shoulders. I looked up into his gray eyes, which looked smoky and mysterious. 
    “Thanks,” I whispered, my eyes still locked to his. I inhaled deeply, breathing in his scent as it was now wrapped around me. It was sweet but manly.
    “I’m glad that I gave you the wrong phone,” he said with a small smile. 
    I giggled. “It’s almost like you planned it,” I said jokingly while eyeing him with feigned suspicion.  
    “Maybe I did?” I tuned in to his heartbeat. My hearing was my own personal lie detector. His heart was fast, but not from lying. I knew he hadn’t planned it even though the thought excited me. It had all just been fate. “It’s getting late,” he whispered as his finger pushed back a stray piece of hair, wrapping it behind my ear.
    I nodded, not daring to say anything for fear the spell we were under would be broken. My breathing was fast, my heart was faster. I wanted him to kiss me and part of me wanted to compel him to, but I didn’t dare. That wasn’t how I wanted it to go. Although, I knew I wasn’t letting him get by with a peck on the cheek. He hovered so close but wouldn’t close the distance. I stepped into his body. My hand slowly slid up his hard chest and curled around the nape of his neck. I pulled lightly urging him down to my level. His lips pulled up in a half smile just before they pressed against mine. They were soft yet firm. My entire body tingled with sensation. I could feel it all the way down to my toes. 
    It was over too quickly as he pulled back, and I let him. He rested his forehead against mine. “I’m going to hail you a cab,” he whispered and I nodded. “In a minute,” he groaned before his lips crushed against mine, silencing the giggle bubbling in my throat.
    I savored his touch and taste. I knew no matter when the kiss ended, it would never have lasted long enough. I could kiss Grayson forever.
    Grayson and I began seeing each other several times a week. My lie to my mother helped out profusely. I had never really dated anyone before so it was all a new experience. We would meet after work for dinner several nights a week. On those nights, my official story was I was “working late.” On the weekends, we’d spend the day together doing a variety of things throughout the city. After almost three weeks, I still hadn’t seen his apartment. He was always a gentleman, holding doors, pulling out chairs and not pressuring me further than a heavy make out session. We’d walk the streets of New York holding hands like a couple of teenagers. At the end of the night, Grayson would kiss me before hailing me a cab. He would always offer to have his driver take me home, which I always refused. I couldn’t risk the other vampires seeing me in an unfamiliar car. It would raise to many questions. 
    It was strange to me how a powerful man like Grayson Alexander was not pushing me to get what he wanted. Did part of him know my lack of experience? After the joke about the Google search, I had gone home and done just that. What came up were pictures of Grayson and women. Lots of women. He was always presumably dating someone. It made me wonder if that was why he wasn’t pressuring me into something more. Was he getting it somewhere else?
    After several dates, I decided to bring up our exclusivity, without trying to be that girl. I was just curious as to where I stood.
    “You Google searched me didn’t you?” Grayson asked with a quirked brow.
    “Yeah,” I looked down, having the decency to look ashamed.
    “You can’t always believe what you read,

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