Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series

Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series by Michelle Day Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series by Michelle Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Day
    “Paul?” Monica addressed her son as she
tidied the kitchen.
    “Hmm?” He responded around a mouthful of
apple tart.
    “You’re a little late with your rent.” She
turned to wipe the counter closest to him, her face breaking into a smile when she
saw his mouth filled with her baked goods while he reached for another.
    Paul caught her eye and gestured for her
to wait a moment. Shoving his hand into his inside jacket pocket, he seized the
cash resting there and went to pull it out, furiously shaking his hand which
had become stuck, clenched as it was around the bank notes. Eventually freeing
his hand, he also put the fairy cake he had in the other hand down on the
counter while he separated the notes, handing a hefty bundle to his mother
before swallowing the apple tart in his mouth and replacing it with fairy cake.
    “This is far too much.” Monica counted the
cash in her hand and made to hand back the excess.
    Paul shrugged “Treat yourself.” He told
her all whilst swallowing her heavenly cake and surveying the remaining goodies
in front of him.
    “These aren’t for you, you know, I’ve been
cooking all day for the day centres open day tomorrow.”
    Paul, hand hovering over a delicious
looking Bakewell slice, stopped and looked up at her “Why didn’t you say something
sooner? I wouldn’t have started pigging out.”
    Monica laughed “I’m pulling your leg
darling, the open day was last week, this batch is for us.”
    “Not funny.” He gruffed but lifted the
Bakewell slice to his mouth as he slid from the stool “Not funny at all.” He
repeated walking out of the kitchen.
    Half an hour later after a shower and
subsequent preening, Paul sauntered into the kitchen, five minutes late for
dinner, that evenings burgundy coloured shirt in his hand. Ignoring Michael’s
disapproving scowl, he dropped into his chair next to Matt, “Mum, could you
iron my shirt for me?” he asked.
    “Yes, after dinner. Go and get a top from
the ironing pile for now though, it’s not polite to sit at the table with a
bare chest.” She answered.
    Sighing dramatically, knowing it would
irritate his father and mumbling “It’s not like you haven’t all seen it
before.” He left the table and grabbed a t-shirt from the clean pile of laundry
yet to be ironed.
    “That’s my shirt.” Matt nudged him as he
re-joined his family.
    “Get one of yours.”
    “What’s the point? I’m only wearing it to
    “You might drop food on it.” Matt whined.
    “That’s why I’m wearing yours and not
mine.” Paul flicked his brother’s forehead.
    “Enough!” Michael bellowed, already in a
foul mood from Paul’s insolent attitude earlier in the day, the boys’ bickering
had only served to darken his mood considerably.
    The brothers’ glanced at each other before
turning their full attention to the meal in front of them, neither daring to
meet their fathers’ gaze although that didn’t stop it from burning into them as
they ate.
    With the atmosphere deteriorating the way
it had, the meal was mainly passed in silence with only the occasional short
lived conversation between Tessa and their parents. Paul looked up several
times only to have his gaze met by Michael’s scowl and felt the uncomfortable
pit of fear growing in his stomach resulting in his loss of appetite. As much
as he tried to force himself to eat, he simply couldn’t in the face of the
inevitable confrontation that was sure to take place after dinner.
    As Matt tucked into his third round of
dessert, Tessa began the washing up with Paul ferrying the dirty plates from
the table to the sink as Monica started to iron Paul’s shirt. The family had
heaved a collective sigh of relief when Michael left the kitchen immediately
after the meal was finished and Tessa began teasing her brothers’ over the fact
that they would be learning to drive very soon and she had better warn the
whole of London to stay off the roads as God help other road

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