Feel (Sovereign Book 3)
nothing appeared out of place.
    “You think you know it all, don’t you? You think your precious FBI agent here told you everything?” he said, before letting out a maniacal laugh. “You know nothing!”
    I took a deep, calming breath and decided I needed to put him at ease. I slowly moved toward Gavin with my hands in the air. “I just want to take a seat. Is that okay?”
    His answer came in a swift jerk of the gun toward the day bed in the corner window of the room. With a small nod, I walked over and sat down, making sure to keep one of my hands visible while the other gripped my phone tightly.
    “Why are you doing this to me Gavin? I’ve done nothing to you.”
    “It was never about you, Alyssa. You were collateral damage. Then you put ideas in your mother’s head. Everything was going according to plan, and then you made her question our marriage. In one phone call, you planted doubts in her mind. She endured our honeymoon then left me because she needed space .” His agitation increased with every word he spoke, and I knew I had to placate him to buy myself—and Barrett—more time.
    “I’m sorry. I just wanted to be there for the wedding.”
    “Sure you did. You’re a spoiled brat, like your father wanted you to be.” My head jerked back at the vicious tone in his voice when he mentioned my father.
    “You knew my father?” I asked, without thought.
    Gavin walked over to the front window of the house, looking up one way and then back down the street. His body stilled, and I stopped breathing, fearing he’d seen the police lights and would hurt us.
    He turned back to face me. “Your father stole the business from me. He stole everything from me.”
    “What?” I whispered incredulously, unable to mask the disbelief in my voice.
    “I see you don’t believe me,” he said, a wolfish smile slowly growing on his face as he looked straight ahead. “And Special Agent Lucas has decided to join the party. Did you have a good sleep, Barrett ?”
    “Huh?” Barrett replied with a slurred voice, and my heart squeezed tight. Without thinking, I rushed to his side, swiping away the hair stuck to his forehead and frantically checked him over with my hands and eyes for any visible injuries.
    “You okay?” I whispered, cupping his jaw in my hands. His eyes grew wide and he struggled against his bonds, shaking his arms and hands, trying to move them. “Don’t. We just need to buy ourselves some time,” I murmured against his lips, leaning in for a kiss as understanding registered in his eyes.
    “Get away from him. I don’t trust him not to try anything,” Gavin shouted.
    “Okay,” I said, as I stepped back and mouthed I love you to Barrett.
    Keep him talking Barrett mouthed back. I nodded and turned around to face Gavin. 
    “You knew my father?”
    “We were at college together. I had an idea for a small business, something to earn us some money while we studied. We started a community newsletter—just small at first—and ran it out of my dorm room. When it started to take off, your father cut me out of it. All of it. Then he had the audacity to ask your mother out on a date, knowing I had been wanting to date her ever since our freshman year.”
    “You knew Mom at college?” I asked stupidly, not thinking.
    “I just said that, didn’t I?” he angrily retorted. “She didn’t know me, though. Or if she did, she didn’t remember me when I introduced myself to her at a function last year.”
    “You targeted her, didn’t you? What was the wedding then? A ruse?”
    “I’ve wanted Rosalie for a long time, Alyssa. She just happened to be the means to an end in this regard. By becoming my wife, her assets became mine. It meant I could take the company from you.”
    “All of this is for the company?” I continued, focusing on keeping his attention on me and not on Barrett or whatever might’ve been happening outside the house. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed since I’d run through

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