date . . . I'm up late most nights, reading. Anyway. ( Pause. ) Made a pot of tea. Would you like some?
P RICE: That would be very nice. Thank you.
A NNA: How was your first day?
P RICE: Excuse me?
A NNA: How was your first day?
P RICE: Well, they had me earning my money.
A NNA: It was a hard day?
P RICE: Yes, parts of it.
( She comes in with the tea. )
Thank you.
A NNA: Can you get some rest now?
P RICE: Yes. I have a little work to do, I'll wait up for your daughter, if you like.
A NNA: That's alright.
P RICE: How is she?
A NNA ( pause ): She's seeing the wrong boy . . .
P RICE ( smiles ): Well, a lot of us who were that wrong boy, I know, we were fairly grateful . . . I don't suppose that's any comfort.
A NNA: No . But thank you for the effort. (A NNA gets up. )
P RICE: Your door was open?
A NNA: I'm sorry . . . ?
P RICE: Your front door.
A NNA: Yes.
P RICE: You should probably keep it locked.
A NNA: You know, the town is fairly safe . . .
P RICE: Yes, you . . . you have a policeman living here, now, is all that I thought, and sometimes . . .
A NNA: Ah. I never thought of that.
P RICE: And sometimes . . .
A NNA: No . No . ( Pause. ) It's not that kind of town. And even if it is, I'm going to live as if it's not. But thank you for thinking of us. Good night. You have a good rest.
P RICE: Good night. See you tomorrow.
( He spreads out papers on the dining room table and starts to work. )
Chief's office. P RICE just coming in. M AY is bringing him coffee. Puts a list in front of him.
M AY: State Fire Inspector's out on the site, the Emporium . . .
P RICE: . . . good.
M AY: Got a report, the Developers, the Mall, heard you were interested, their interest, as competitors, the Clothing Store.
P RICE: Did they . . .
M AY: They'd like to meet with you, their offices, at one.
P RICE: "Their” offices . . . they're dreaming. Tell them I can spare ‘em five minutes, here one o'clock, let's see if they're guilty.
M AY: Right. Tomorrow, twelve noon, you are invited. Lunch, the Rotary, the Country House. They're very nice guys . . .
P RICE: How's the food?
M AY: . . . the food is good, too . . .
P RICE: Alright.
M AY: Here is the file you requested.
P RICE: Which file is that?
M AY: The shooting of Chief Hopkins.
( He takes the file. )
P RICE: They never found the guy . . .
M AY: What guy? Stray shot, some hunter . . .
(P RICE looks at the file. )
And yesterday's Occurrence Sheets. Here are purchase orders . . . last month's cash flow, a request from the High School, you come to address the . . .
P RICE: Yeah, yeah, yeah, waaiii . . . can I . . . I'd like to meet with . . . they have a psychologist the High School?
M AY: They have a guidance counselor.
P RICE: I'd like to meet with him . . .
M AY: . . . it's a her.
P RICE: Earliest. If they could come in . . .
M AY: Alright, and this is called “coffee.”
P RICE: Send him in.
(M AY goes to the door, motions B ARNES in. )
P RICE: Listen, you're doin’ a real good job, the hospital last night.
B ARNES: . . . uh, thank you . . .
P RICE: I know, you do it for a living, you don't need any praise, you were the Chief, you'd be doing the same thing, the men under you, so gimme’ a break. Our prominent attorney at the hospital . . . ?
B ARNES: He's still hanging on.
P RICE: What's the prognosis?
B ARNES: He'll live, he ain't gonna walk again.
P RICE: The blood alcohol?
B ARNES: Drunk as a Lord.
P RICE: Well, that'sa surprise.
( The phone rings. )
P HONE ( voice over ): Chief. Bill Simons on his way up.
P RICE: Who is this?
B ARNES: Bill Simons, big car dealership, the 201. And President the Masons Lodge . . . a friend of Mr. Ellman, who killed those fine folks with his car last night.
P RICE: I see.
( There is a knock at the door. )
Thank you, Bob.
B ARNES: You don't mind, I think I should stay.
P RICE: Alright.
( Opens the door. B ILL S IMONS comes in. )
S IMONS: Chief, Bill
Aj Harmon, Christopher Harmon