we were.
I got back to Kari around six that evening. I unlocked the door that lead to the basement and jogged down the stairs to the door that held Kari behind it. I hope she still is here. I unlocked the door and placed the key in my pocket. I entered and closed the door behind me.
Kari was in bed sleeping. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful , so young. How did I fuck this up? I took a seat on the bed and grabbed the remote. I turned to Sunday night football. Kari woke up after a few minutes. Maybe she sensed my presence.
Kari rubbed her eyes, yawned and noticed me.
“Hey.” I whispered.
“Hey.” Kari seat up and moved close to me in bed.
“How do you feel, your body?”
“I’m okay.”
“I’m sorry I hurt you.”
“I know you didn’t mean too. Mason thank you for not putting the handcuff on me.”
I didn’t know what to say to that. It made me feel like an assclown.
“Mason, how was work?”
“It was work. You’re being nice. What do you need?”
“I need to call Trey.”
“Please.” Kari put her hands on my chest and my body stiffened. “Mason, I just want to talk to him for a minute. Please, just a minute.”
Kari started rubbing her fingers in circles all over my pecs. My cock instantly got hard. Fuck me! My love is so fucking clever. I reluctantly grabbed her wrist and removed her hands.
“Mason.” Kari leaned over and licked the side of my face. Oh God! I leapt from the bed like a scared virgin.
“Kari Lynn, that’s enough.”
She was innocently glaring at me. “You don’t want me to lick you?”
What? Oh God! “Listen.” I took a breath and watched her eyes roamed down to my erection.
“It looks like you want to get licked.” She seductively licked her lush lips.
Huh? I was taking little steps backwards, away from Kari, the bed and definitely her mouth. I didn’t play fair and I can see that she wasn’t playing fair either.
“Stop saying my name. You sound like a broken record.”
“Stop using your words and mouth to seduce me.” I placed my hand on my jeans and adjusted my hard on.
“Give me a phone to call my son. I’m not going to say anything. I just want to make sure he’s good. I swear on a stack of bibles.”
“A harlot like you doesn’t have a stack of bibles.”
“Funny, give me a phone.”
Give me a blowjob. “Okay. I will get your phone. You can call Trey.”
“Thanks Master.”
“I like the sound of that.” I smirked. Kari rolled her eyes so hard they almost fell out the sockets. I guess that wasn’t a politically correct response.
That was my cue to leave her to get her cell phone. I didn’t really trust her but my cock was hard. She had licked my face and somehow I knew that after I had sex with her the tables would turn on me.
I locked her in the basement and went upstairs and retrieved her cell. I keep it inside her purse in the master bedroom closet. I decided to bring the purse as well. She had a few things in it that she may want close by.
I would just keep an eye on her and listen in on her conversation. She couldn’t tell anyone where she was because she didn’t know. She could say I took her but what good would that do without a location. This house doesn’t trace back to me. I was smart enough to cove r my tracks.
I waited to get my cock in check before I went back down to the basement. I wasn’t going to let her manipulate me. Shit too late. That’s what was already happening. How the hell did the tables turn so quickly? I’m not going to let this little curvy five feet six inch woman get the best of me. She knows what she doing. I got a stern punishment for her ass.
I walked in and closed the door behind me. Kari was on her knees on the bed. I walked over and placed her purse in the bedside table. I held her cell phone in my hand.
“If I let you make this call you’re going to have to pay for it.” That sounded meaner than I intended.
“What does that