Flirting With Magick

Flirting With Magick by Leigh Bennett Read Free Book Online

Book: Flirting With Magick by Leigh Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Bennett
been talking about him.
    “What about Luke?” I asked, glancing at my cousin as he made small talk with two attractive blondes — both wearing shimmery dresses , one black, one white, with V's cut down to their navels. He appeared to have them wrapped around his little finger. I explained to Linda that I hadn’t really known him since childhood.
    “Music-wise he’s excellent; chick-wise, Luke’s a shocker,” she declared, laughing. “He’s such a flirt, and I swear he’s with a different girl every weekend.” We all snickered, no surprise especially after his actions following the Springers gig. “Another dance?” Linda put down her glass and headed over to the crowd of sweaty, gyrating bodies again.
    “I’m just going to the toilet,” I told Kate as she went to follow Linda. “ I’ll find you.” I finished my drink and headed towards the ladies room. As I was reapplying my lip gloss before going back out to dance, Tanya emerged from the far cubicle.
    She smiled sweetly at me as she washed her hands and spoke before I could escape. “Sorry I accidentally tripped you up on the dance floor. It’s these bloody heels. I only got them yesterday.”
    “That’s okay.” Relieved, I smile back and admired the high stilettos. “ They’re nice.” Perhaps she was quite pleasant after all.
    She lowered her voice. “Listen, I saw you and Scott together. I just think I should let you know if you’re one of the ones sleeping with him , he usually comes home with me. I guess you can say he and I have an arrangement.”
    “I’m sorry?” I put the gloss in my bag and looked up at her through the mirror.
    “Come with me; this will only take a second.” We left the toilets, and she gestured for me to stand next to her against the wall where we could see most of the room. “See that group of girls over there nex t to the DJ booth?” She shouted into my ear above the music. “I see him talking to them a lot. See the one with the curly hair? He left with her a few weeks ago.” She pointed to a woman minding a table and laughing at her friends on the dance floor. “He’s taken her home a few times, too.” My stomach did a flip. “See the two girls near the bar who are checking out the barmen? He’s taken each of them home on separate occasions.”
    “Why are you telling me this?” The annoyance in my voice sounded loud and clear.
    She was about to point out yet another of Scott’s conquests when she looked at me pityingly. “You seem nice. I just thought I should let you know that you’re not the only one he’s with. You’re obviously flavour of the night tonight, but believe me, if you weren’t here, well, as I said, he’s usually with me. If I’m not here...“ She gestured around the room. “Well, it’s pretty obvious he’s got a smorgasbord.”
    “Tanya, is it?” I tried to make my voice sound pleasant, but failed completely. Okay, I wasn’t trying at all. “Look, it isn’t really any of your business, but thanks for letting me know. Have a good night.” I walked away, deflated, to where Kate and Linda were dancing.
    “What a crazy bitch,” Kate snarled when I told her what had just happened.
    “I know, it’s pathetic,” I replied. “Let’s just forget it and have a good night.” Barely into the next song, I felt a nudge on the back of my leg. Oh, bloody hell, what now? I turned around to see Scott standing there, smiling.
    “Are you ready to go?”
    "Are you sleeping with anyone else?" My tone was light and chit chatty. I had just changed into my pajamas and was lying on my bed cuddled up to Scott, who had stripped down to his underwear.
    "Do you want me to?" he joked.
    "It's up to you."
    He laughed. "In case you haven't noticed, I’ve hardly got time to see you, let alone anyone else." He raised his pierced brow. "Are you?"
    It was my turn to snicker. "I haven't done this kind of thing before. I can only handle one at a time." I said my next words carefully and

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