Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts by Jennifer Foor Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Folding Hearts by Jennifer Foor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Foor
head. “Is that what you both think? You think I came here to screw around with Miranda? Are you fucking kidding me right now? We are just friends. ”
    I put my head down and shook my head again. I didn’t want to talk to either of them about this anymore. I hadn’t come here to sleep with Miranda. I wanted to see Van and Colt and of course Izzy. “Miranda and I are just friends. We are practically family. Nothing is ever going to happen between the two of us. I can promise you that.” Not like I had never thought about it before , but it couldn’t happen anyway. Damn I was thinking about it again…..
    I sta r ted to get up and walk out of the room, but Van grabbed my shirt and pulled me backwards. “Wait! We have to talk to you about some things.”
    Could this conversation get any worse?
    “Ty, look , I am sorry if I made you mad. Miranda is my cousin and I just get sick of her goin ’ down the same path time and time again. She needs to stop goin’ for guys that are nothin’ but trouble. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just think she shouldn’t get involved with anyone right now.” Colt’s words were n’t making things better, but I decided to keep my cool for Van.
    “Whatever dude. What do you have to talk to me about? When is the date?” I was already guessing it was a proposal since Van had her hand stuck in her hoodie since she had been around me.
    Out came her hand, revealing a giant rock on her second finger. I swallowed the painful lump that managed to creep into my throat. I gave a fake smile and avoided eye contact as I hugged Van and shook Colt’s hand. “Congrats guys. So when are you taking the plunge?”
    “Next June. Right after graduation. We want Izzy to be the flower g irl, ” Van noted.
    “A nd I want you to be my best man, ” Colt added.
    I was flabbergasted. “That isn’t a good idea guys. I appreciate the thought, really I do, but I just can’t be in your wedding.” I looked over to Van who seemed genuinely upset. “I’m so sorry. I just can’t do it.”
    This time she didn’t grab my shirt as I walked out of the room. I passed by Conner walking toward where I had just come from, but kept walking to go out back. I just wanted to be alone. They had a lot of nerve asking me something like that. Everyone knew I wasn’t over Van leaving me . I couldn’t watch her promise to love my cousin forever. I may have been okay with not trying to interfere, but I couldn’t promote it. It was like they were dang l ing their happiness in front of me.
    Fuck that.
    I found Miranda out by the pool. There was no way for me to know she would have been there, and I was just as shocked to see her there as she was to see me. I wasn’t crying, but I certainly wasn’t displaying a happy face.
    “Hey, ” s he said while crying.
    I looked behind me to make sure that we were alone. “You look just as happy as I am.”
    “Guess you heard the big news.”
    “You should have told me last night. Maybe I could have prepared myself more.”
    “Sorry. I had a lot goin’ on last night. I guess I just figured you knew, but from the look on your face, I can tell that you didn’t.”
    I ran my hands through my hair and looked behind me, just making sure nobody was following. “ Yeah , they kind of told me that they had news when I got here. I figured it would be that, but nothi ng can prepare you for handling it .”
    “You really do still love her?”
    I sat down next to Miranda. “She is the only girl that I have ever told that to . If I hadn’t been such an idiot , I would have never lost her in the first place. She would be wearing my grandmother’s ring and planning our wedding instead of theirs. It doesn’t matter. I cheated and the rest is history. Maybe I don’t know what love is. ”
    We were both quiet for a few seconds. Miranda was  looking down at the water in the pool. “Conner is callin ’ the police and reporting Tucker for vandalism. He wants me to get a restrainin ’

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