Following Fabian
romance at all.
    “Why? Because you’re really fucking distracting.” No, his cock was really fucking distracting. How had he worn those skimpy costumes for all those years without women pouring into the center ring and swarming him after he climbed down the ladder?
    “I don’t understand.” He wore that grin again.
    “Grr, give me the comb.” She held out her hand, and he dropped her comb into it. Sighing, she stepped into the open V of his legs and he wrapped his arms around her thighs as she combed out his snarls.
    “No need to get too cozy,” she said.
    “Why not? I can understand you this way.”
    “I suspect everything you do and say is calculated to a T, isn’t that right?”
    “More or less.” He skimmed his hands up her thighs, and she gave his hair a hard yank.
    “Been called worse.”
    “It wouldn’t be so tangled if you’d let me finish my shower. Conditioner has its uses.”
    “I’d prefer to not have your brother pissed at me, thank you very much.”
    “That doesn’t sound like Felipe. He’s very laidback.”
    “Less so, lately. His patience is shot, and I can’t say I blame him.”
    “I never imagined us settling down, and he seems to have rooted himself rather quickly.”
    She leaned in a bit closer, so the side of Fabian’s face pressed against her torso, and worked the back of his head.
    His hands moved to the small of her back, and eased up beneath her shirt, skin-to-skin.
    She let out a breath and struggled to suppress the shudder. When he touched her like that, she had a hard time separating out words from impulses—holding back the things she really should not say.
    “I think roots suit him.”
    “Can’t wait to see it for myself.”
    “What about you? What are you going to do when you’ve got this mess behind you? Given any thought to where you want to be?”
    “I thought about it a little. I always assumed we’d go back to Spain, but Felipe said there’s nothing there for us. I trust his word, so I suppose I’ll have to make alternate plans.”
    “Dana would hire you.”
    “You say that as if it’s a certain thing.”
    “It is. You already know what we are, and you’re already in the loop about all the hinky paranormal stuff going on around us. You’re in good shape, can probably hold your own in a fight, assuming no tranquilizer darts are involved.”
    “Ha ha.” His hands moved a bit higher, and his thumbs spread around her ribcage, both tickling her and arousing her with each tiny stroke of the pads.
    Her sex clenched, and she drew in another breath.
    She couldn’t let him know how he was affecting her. She wasn’t a weak woman easily susceptible by a bit of attention and pretty words aimed her way. She’d always been that tough nut to crack because she knew what she was, and she’d rather be alone than have all of her foibles laid bare and picked apart for someone else’s amusement.
    “Um.” She closed her eyes and concentrated on the task at hand. She felt for snarls and tangles in his thick hair, and finding none, she backed up a pace. “I think I got them all. You can ponytail up now. And you can also let go of me.”
    “What if I don’t want to let go of you?”
    “Everyone has things they desire, but grown-ups know they can’t always act on them.”
    “And that goes back to why you’re so insistent I put my clothes on. I’ve been half-naked most of my life. I’m comfortable this way.”
    “And I’m uncomfortable with you that way.” She reached beneath her shirt and trapped his wrists, only to gasp at the increased contact.
    She wanted to let go, but it was like touching a stove burner and not feeling the heat until too late.
    “Why does it make you uncomfortable? Because you want to have sex with me?”
    “Wow, you really don’t hash your words.”
    His shoulders bobbed, and the smirk he’d been wearing drew in. “Are you with someone?”
    “That is so far from being an issue it’s not even funny.”

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