Forever Ecstasy

Forever Ecstasy by Janelle Taylor Read Free Book Online

Book: Forever Ecstasy by Janelle Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Taylor
and something about picking up a big load. When Icame across those wagon ruts, my instinct told me to follow them. I’ve heard about the trouble between the Crow and Dakotas and that the Army thinks the Dakotas are going on the warpath again this year. I was going to join those men until I could find Tanner’s killer. While I was getting justice and revenge, if I could stop a war between Indians and whites by getting at the truth, I’d be glad.”
    “People lie to you. We not want war,” Morning Star said adamantly. “We not start war. We defend our lives and lands from attack. Whites are ones who not honor words. Oglalas make treaty many winters past. Have peace long time. Five winters past, white men make trails on Lakota lands. Many wagons use. Some whites stay in Lakota lands. They start new troubles. More soldiers and forts come to help them. Crow help them; they help Crow. When Wi hot and long last season, more trouble come. I not see, but hear of bad deeds. When cold and snow come, whites and soldiers quiet. They afraid to attack in winter camp; we too strong. Soldiers send message that we stop attacks we not make. We tell truth; they no believe. We say Crow do; Crow say no. They take Bird People’s words. Bands find tracks of white man’s horses at wicked sights. Not know who. Father say more trouble come when we hunt buffalo soon, when warriors gone from camp and defense low. How have peace?”
    “By helping me prove your people are innocent and want peace.”
    “Tokel he?” She asked him how.
    “Take me to your people. Let me talk with them. I have to discover who this Snake-Man is and why he’s trying to start a war here.”
    Her eyes widened and her voice lowered. “We hear of Snake-Man. He have powerful magic. He evil. We not know his name and face. You must go, or die.” Her tone and expression were filled with worry.
    “Your people would kill me? But I’m trying to help them.”
    “Not my people. Bad whites and Crow allies.”
    “Not if your people help me. I need a guide and translator. If I can get proof as to who is to blame, the Army will stop the evil whites and the sly Crow.”
    “Toke he?” She asked why. This situation was befuddling her.
    “They killed my best friend, and they want to stir up a war. I don’t think you want a bloody war to start, either, so help me prevent one.” “Make no promises to Joe, but take to Father to talk.” “Who is your father? How far away is your camp?” “Ride fast, two suns. Father called Mahpiya-Wi, Oancan: Sun Cloud, Chief. Great Spirit create Dakota Nation in three parts: Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota.” She explained the major divisions of what the whites called the Sioux Nation. “It like three branches with many limbs on big tree called Dakota Oceti Sakawin: ‘Seven Council Fires of the Dakota.’ Tribes like limbs. Dakota/Santee branch have four limbs: Mdewakanton, Wahpekute, Wahpeton, and Sisseton. Nakota branch have two limbs: Yankton and Yanktonais. Lakota branch have one big limb: Teton. It have many small limbs: Oglala, Brule, Hunkpapa, Blackfeet, Two Kettle, Sans Arc, and Minneconjou. Small limbs have many bands like pinecones. Morning Star belong to Red Heart Band of Oglala tribe, Teton limb, Lakota branch of tree. Dakota/Santee branch not same as big Dakota tree. When Santee sign Pike’s Treaty, they give whites part of their territory far away. Whites think Dakota/Santee sign for Dakota tree. That not true, not same, not one.”
    Joe knew about the 1805 treaty where the Santee ceded some of their territory in Minnesota to the United States for forts. That treaty confused whites who didn’t know the Santee chief could not speak for the entire Dakota Nation, as the President ruled and represented America. Most whites believed there was a treaty with all Dakota Indians and they could come and go as they pleased in any Dakota area. But, in truth, the woodland tribes had no claim or control over their Plains brothers’ regions.

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