retrieved his phone from the comp artment near the steering wheel before the caller hung up.
“Hello ?” he answered sharply.
“Hey , Marcus, Sheldon here, I’m just checking to see if you are coming down to Kirton’s Bay tomorrow for the volleyball tournament?”
“I am not sure yet, there are some things that I need to deal with here so if I am coming, I’ll call and let you know early.”
“Hey Marcus, is everything ok ay with you? You don’t sound like your usual self,” asked Sheldon with concern picking up on a note of sadness in Marcus’ tone.
“Truth be told no, but I am working on it as we speak . Listen I got to go, talk to you later.”
“Alright bro, later! You know how to reach me.”
After disconnecting the call Marcus stepped out into the cool , crisp night air and locked the vehicle. Taking in a deep lungful of fresh air first, he then strode toward the house with serious intent. The hour he just spent in the car reminded him of what was true and important to him. He was still deeply in love with his wife and he had been ever since the day he had first met her. Everything about her excited him and since then he had stolen more kisses and had explored and tasted every delectable inch of her sensuous body and then some. He loved her like he never loved another soul and that would never change. He missed his wife desperately like a man needing one more breath, a man who was trapped in a vacuum.
Once he was inside , he climbed the staircase to the second floor and walked straight toward their bedroom. Seeing that the light was still on, he called out to Natasha while he was still in the hallway. “Natasha? Are you there, we need to talk.”
Before he could ge t the rest of his words out, he was met with a scene that despite all that had transpired between them he did not expect.
Natasha was packing her travel cases and by the look of it she was almost finished. The irony could not be more devastating at that moment. There he was outside reminiscing about the love they had for each other and how much he still wanted to be with his wife and here she was packing her bags!
“Natasha, what are you doing?”
“Marcus, I’m sorry but I can’t do this anymore.”
“Can’t do what anymore”, he said through gritted teeth feeling as though somehow Natasha had once again placed his heart in a vice and was now squeezing it painfully.
“Marcus!” she wailed with exasperation, throwing the last of her clothes into the suitcase, zipping it up quickly.
“Natasha, stop packing for crying out loud and talk to me! Please!”
“Marcus, I am sorry but I can’t continue with this marriage anymore , I can’t!”
“But we made promises to each other; we said vows to each other. I have never cheated on you, I have never laid a hand on you and I have never cursed you. Why are you doing this to me?” shouted Marcus, suddenly feeling as though his entire life was slipping away right before his eyes.
“It is not about you! It’s finally about me! I feel so trapped in this life of yours. I did not choose this! This is your dream life, not mine. You are living out your dreams and plans and you have fulfilled your desires but what about me? Have you ever in the last six years of our marriage wondered how I must be feeling?” she retorted.
“Natasha ?” interjected Marcus, not understanding what she was trying to say.
“No, you listen, said Natasha now through mascara blackened tears which were streaming down her face.
“I feel as though my life is at a standstill Marcus. I have tried to fit into your world, my parent ’s expectations, and even my friend’s advice but I cannot keep living the life of a schizophrenic. I have my own dreams, and you knew six years ago that I wanted to finish my degree and that I had an opportunity to launch my singing career. I did not blame you when I got pregnant because I loved you and I was young and giddy-headed then. When my parents told us we had to
Heidi McLaughlin, Wendy Owens, Kimberly Knight, Brina Courtney, Raine Thomas, Bethany Lopez, A. O. Peart, Amanda Aksel, Felicia Tatum, Amanda Lance