Forgotten Truth (The Forgotten Series Book 1)

Forgotten Truth (The Forgotten Series Book 1) by Virginia Wine Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Forgotten Truth (The Forgotten Series Book 1) by Virginia Wine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Wine
Tags: Romance
for you.”
    “I’m not worried. Friday?
    “Yes, I’d love to.” Inside, I’m doing a fist pump.
    “I’ll call you.” He walks away, and that’s my queue to leave.
    THE WEEK AT work goes by with the usual laughs with my co-workers and sales quotas and meetings. It’s uneventful, and all I can think about is Friday. I get a text from Nathan on Thursday to tie up loose ends on our date.
    Nathan: I’ll pick you up at seven pm. Wear that black dress and heels.
    Bryer: I didn’t think you noticed.
    Nathan: Oh, I noticed.
    Friday is the longest day in history, and I’m called into my boss’ office, which makes me cringe. I have no idea what this is about since I always handle everything efficiently.
    As I walk in, he gestures for me to sit. “Bryer, we’re looking for someone to fly to Chicago next weekend to represent the company at the Product Preview show.”
    “Mr. Morton, I’m honored you’d choose me. Who else will be attending, and what are my exact duties?”
    “You’ll be the only employee from our company. It’s a trade show you will also be attending a cocktail party after the show. A meet and greet, so to speak.”
    I graciously accept, but can’t help but wonder why he chose me. I’m not his favorite employee. In fact he doesn’t get along with many women. Maybe I should just take it at as good sign. I’ll be damned.
    I head home with one thing on my mind—Nathan. Filled with anticipation, I don’t waste a minute getting ready. I want to look my best, from my lingerie to my dreaded fuck-me heels. My makeup is perfect, my perfume is light—a hint of lavender. I apply it to every area I think Nathan might explore.
    While I stand next to my kitchen bar, I open a bottle of wine and sip it to calm my nerves.
    “Mom,” I say, looking up. “Help.” And something my mother used to say comes to mind: ‘Within an imperfect relationship, you can still find perfect happiness. ’
    There’s a knock at the door.

Chapter Six

    I WAIT, BREATHE, and slowly walk over, repeating the confident dialog I’ve practiced. I open the door and there he stands, all 6’2” and every woman’s dream. Scanning the sex god, I whisper, “Not bad.” I tease.
    “Well, hello again.” Nathan chuckles and leans in to slowly kiss my cheek. He lingers and whispers in my ear, “Are your knees getting weak, Bryer?” My name on his lips causes me to lose my senses, and I need a moment to collect myself.
    “Not yet. Maybe you need to try harder.”
    “I love a good challenge.”
    I can’t help but admire the way he’s dressed. He wears a navy suit with a white button down shirt. The first two buttons are left undone, allowing a peek at that sexy chest hair. He attempted to groom his disheveled brown waves, and, to my surprise, his hair’s behaving a bit, but all I can think of is running my fingers through it and mussing it up. I inhale his intoxicating scent and it shoots a hot sensation right between my legs.
    Oh hell. How embarrassing. Caught again eyeing this man. I probably have drool on my chin.
    “It’s kind of hard not too, Nathan.”
    “That’s good to know, because there’s steam rolling off you.”
    I attempt to play it cool, but a blush betrays me.
    ”You’re awfully full of yourself.” I tease.
    “A glass of wine?” I offer as we enter the kitchen.
    “Yes, I’ll take a glass. I’m driving though, so not too much.” He watches me as I pour. We clink our glasses together and he makes a toast. “To an unexpected evening.”
    Sweet Jesus.
    His mischievous grin and those dimples get to me.
    “Sounds inviting,” I say.
    We each take a sip then he moves a little closer. Taking my glass from me, he sits both our glasses on the island. His arms surround my body, imprisoning me. As his body presses against mine, I let out a small moan.
    “Do you feel this?” he says, and my breath catches. “I feel you responding to my touch. It’s

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