Forgotten Wars

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Book: Forgotten Wars by Tim Harper, Christopher Bayly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Harper, Christopher Bayly
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A bamboo flower blooms
(New York, 1984)
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Malayan problems from a Chinese point of view
(Singapore, 1947)
Tan Cheng Lock,
One country, one people, one government: presidential address by Tan Cheng Lock at a meeting of the General Committee of the MCA held in Penang on 30 October, 1949
(Kuala Lumpur, 1949)
Tan Liok Eee,
The rhetoric of bangsa and minzu: community and nation in tension, the Malay peninsula, 1900–1955
(Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University, Working Paper no. 52, 1988)
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The politics of Chinese education in Malaya, 1945–1961
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A soldier’s voyage of self-discovery
(Auroville, 1995)
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The postwar rapprochement of Malaya and Japan, 1945–61: the roles of Britain and Japan in South-east Asia
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Tunku Abdul Rahman,
As a matter of interest
(Petaling Jaya, 1981)
Turnbull, Mary, ‘British planning for post-war Malaya’,
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
, 5, 2 (September 1974), pp. 239–54
Twang Peck Yang,
The Chinese business elite in Indonesia and the transition to independence, 1940–1950
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War and nationalism in China, 1925–45
(London, 2003)
van der Post, Laurens,
The Admiral’s baby
(London, 1996)
Wade, Ashton,
A life on the line
(Tunbridge Wells, 1988)
Warner, Philip,

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