Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1)

Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1) by Victoria Johns Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1) by Victoria Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Johns
asked and he took a deep breath in.   I remember the salty tip, it didn’t feel or taste bad and I didn’t feel like it was something I shouldn’t be doing, it felt hard and I felt adventurous, brave and erotic.  He stepped away from me and sat down next to me.  He was still stroking himself, I was watching intently learning the movements and the rhythm he liked, the way he twisted it at the top of the swollen head and then clenched his fist on the down stroke.  When his breath hitched a little harder I slowly reached out, I wanted to touch him but was nervous he wouldn’t want the interruption; he looked content on his own.
    “It’s Ok Dolly, you can touch me too.” So I wrapped my small hand around his fist and made the movements with him, after a few up and down strokes he removed his hand and encouraged me to carry on.  He leant forward a little more and started to kiss me, plunging his tongue deep into my mouth following the rhythm of my hand.  After a few more strokes he dropped his head back and with closed eyes, he licked his lips, I think he mumbled something like “grip harder” and “faster dolly” to me and then he came, spurting all over his stomach and my hand.  We both took a dip in the lake to clean off after and it felt like I had a permanent smile on my face.  I was a changed girl after.
    My trip down memory lane over, I realized that even with access from Chris’s land I’d still struggle with the gear I need to get the best shot.  I made a note to call Tommy Sevens; I’d used him as an assistant in the past, he was super helpful, easy on the eye and would be paid by my employers for his trouble.  Just then my cell starts to ring and its Oli returning my call.  “Oli, how are you?” I ask and he replies with the usual pleasantries.
    “Wally told me you’re looking for a photographer to work on a new tourist brochure.”  He replies with yes, he’s got some ideas, but would love for me to work on it with him and suggests we meet up for a kick off chat at his office.  He currently uses one of the rooms at the legal office in town so I agree and we schedule a time for a little later.  This gives me some time to kill and my kitchen cupboards silently nag that they need filling.   Grocery shopping it is then and looking at the time available to me it will be a supermarket dash worthy of an Olympic record. 
    I go with my usual supermarket M.O. of run and dump stuff in the cart knowing that it will have a hit and miss success rate that usually all comes good by the time I get to the check out.  After replenishing the stuff the girls and I got through, as well as more mundane things like vegetables, fridge stuff, milk and bread I round the corner in to the toiletries aisle and spy Tits Brunel.  I quickly wonder whether I can double back without her seeing me and avoid bumping into her later on in another aisle.  Unfortunately she’s sneering because she’s already spotted me, so I take a deep breath and suck in my stomach, clear my facial expression and carry on.  My game plan is to ignore her; pretend she doesn’t exist.  I also acknowledge that if she chooses to push my buttons it’s game on.
    I carry on grabbing stuff, toilet tissue, shower gel, tampons and as I get closer I see she’s moved towards the condoms and is doing an Oscar worthy performance over the selection.
    “Hhhm, real feel or ribbed?  The mutual climax variety worked a treat last time,” she says as she fakes thought.  So that’s how it’s going to be.
    “Hhhm, no, the ones you need are definitely not stocked here,” I reply.  She knew I wouldn’t leave that comment alone.
    “And which ones would they be?”  I love that she’s predictable and can’t resist asking.
    “Well, the trash bag variety for going over your head are located in the household aisle.  Or, the surgical thickness variety which you should probably use are not available here, I think you need to get them from hardware

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