Yeah, if I have my story right, which I usually do when it comes to men, he’s the one who lost his wife to cancer years back. Heard he’s hard as nails. Definitely not my type and you know most men are. But then again, he might be perfect for you. Another needy project.”
Cameron fell silent, staring out the window. She paused before she looked back at her friend. “Matthew ran me down this morning. He felt the urge to make things right after three years. Said it wasn’t his fault. He had the weirdest excuse for all the pain he caused me. Said he received pictures of me in an orgy or something. Says he wants me to forgive him, take him back...”
Cameron didn’t have a chance to finish. Meghan choked on her coffee, spewing it out over the table, Cameron, and everything in her path. She couldn’t control her laughter as she regained her composure. Taking a napkin, she wiped down the table. She handed one to Cameron.
“ You’re not serious, are you?”
“ That’s what he said. Now he wants me back, says he’ll leave his wife. Some unknown pictures that unwittingly forced him to break up with me turned out to be fake.”
“ You’re not buying it. Cam, he wants what he can’t have. Who the hell would believe a story like that? He’s such a mommy’s boy.”
“ Of course, I don’t believe a word he said.” Cameron shrugged. “Not after all he put me through. He even had the nerve to have Nevy spy on me.”
“ Who’s Nevy?”
“ A security guard at the hospital. Said he saw Darren drop me off this morning.”
A wide, knowing grin formed on her friend’s face. “Oh, my God! You didn’t, did you? You did! Good for you. About time you had some fun, Cameron. You had me nervous for a moment. About time you moved past Matthew. You know that…that Matthew is bad news for you, girl.”
“ You never liked him because he didn’t like you.”
“ And who was right? I was. He’s a bastard who’ll just break your heart again and you don’t want to be a homewrecker.”
Cameron restrained herself from retorting. It never occurred to Meghan that she had broken up a marriage. Meghan wouldn’t stop when she wanted something, but Meghan was right. Matthew had done too much damage to be repaired.
“ Remember every bad thing he did, Cam,” Meghan went on. “There is no excuse. Picking out an apartment and leaving you with the lease. For God’s sake, he moved out in the middle of the night. Remember you coming back in after your shift to an empty apartment with no explanation, nothing? If Karl and Greg hadn’t come into the picture, you would have been in a mess with that expensive lease.”
Cameron nodded. “I haven’t forgotten. I couldn’t.”
“ You’re finally getting your life back in order. About to buy that gorgeous condo on Beacon Street. Starting anew. Look forward. Your life has turned the corner. Everything looks bright. Don’t add a roadblock.”
Cameron gave Meghan a smile. Meghan was right. She did feel she had jumped a huge hurdle. Meghan stretched her stiff neck and looked over her shoulder as the grandfather clock began tolling nine o’clock in the foyer.
“Joel will be home in a minute. He had some work to clear up before we leave. I asked you to come over this morning for more than just to see you before I left. I need a favor.”
“ A favor? Oh, Meg, what did you do?”
“ I just need you to pick up my car while I’m gone. You know I was in that accident,” Meghan said and pulled keys out of her robe’s pocket. “I’ve got my extra set of keys here. You know I wouldn’t trust anyone but you. The car should be ready within the week, two at the most. I told them you would pick it up. Gave them your number.”
Cameron sighed. She liked Meghan’s husband. Totally infatuated with Meghan, he gave Meghan anything she wanted , even this belated honeymoon to the Caribbean.
“ You still haven’t told Joel? Why not? He loves you. To him, you can do no