Full Circle

Full Circle by Mona Ingram Read Free Book Online

Book: Full Circle by Mona Ingram Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mona Ingram
been the
ideal solution. He had a deeply rooted need to be near the ocean, and once
here, he’d driven part way up the PCH almost every day. He particularly loved
the days when breakers rolled in, hurling fine spray into the air. Sun shining
through the mist bathed the coastline in an ethereal, unworldly glow. He didn’t
think he’d ever tire of it.
    Following his
usual pattern, he drove slowly north, top down in the brilliant morning
sunshine, but the scenery wasn’t doing it for him today. He picked up coffee at
a drive-through kiosk and continued, eventually parking in an almost deserted
lot beside a broad expanse of sand. Later today the beach would be crowded, but
this morning it was an ideal spot for reflection.
    Okay...he had
to admit it...he was getting bored. He sipped the coffee thoughtfully, and for
the first time since leaving Peru he wondered if he’d made a mistake to come
here without a plan. He had plenty of money thanks to his maternal grandmother.
He smiled now at the thought of her. His abuela had been crafty and far
ahead of her time, amassing a varied portfolio of stocks that would have
impressed any successful Wall Street investor. And when she died, she’d split
her estate between Rafa and Miguel.
    If only he
could talk to her now. It had been to her that he’d turned when frustrated with
his father’s pedantic approach to business. She’d grasped new concepts
instantly, particularly his desire to branch out into fashion. But his father
wouldn’t listen, claiming that such a move would alienate their current
customers, who bought fabric from them for that very purpose. “We would be
competing with our own customers,” his father roared, refusing to discuss
Rafael’s ideas further.
grandmother may have understood his frustrations, and agreed with his ideas,
but she was not in a position to influence his father. “You will find your
way,” she’d said, looking at him with those piercing black eyes. “Be patient.”
    He tossed out
the remains of the coffee and got out to stretch his legs. Two young women on
roller blades eyed him as he walked along, unaware of their interest. Tall and
athletically built, his skin was naturally bronzed by the sun, his hair full
and black. Rafael Vargas was a rare exception here in southern California...a
handsome man who wasn’t obsessed about how he looked.
    * * *
    It was going
to be another busy day and Bella was angry at herself. She and Sofia had spent
last evening attaching tags to the garments for today’s market before packing
everything into the large plastic totes they used to transport the finished
product. The seamstresses had been sewing the labels into the garments for a
couple of weeks now, giving them a professional look. The tags completed the
effect. In the aftermath of this effort, she’d forgotten to set her alarm.
Melissa and Valeria had slept at Sofia’s and were spending the day with
Consuela. This morning Sofia had called her several times, and had finally resorted
to pounding on her door to wake her up.
    She’d left home
with minimal makeup, wet hair tied in the back with the first thing she could
find...a scrunchy made from some left-over fabric. Bright and colorful, it
lifted her mood, and they were soon on their way to Venice.
    “Is it worth
it, mi amiga ?” Sofia stole a glance at her friend as they drove the
short distance to the market. “You’re wearing yourself out.”
    Bella knew
what her friend was talking about. She’d confided in Sofia almost from the
beginning, struggling to put into words the burning desire she felt to go back
home some day, a success. More than anything, she wanted to keep her promise to
her father, and make him proud. With the phenomenal growth of their clothing,
she dared to imagine that she might do it, but she knew that her friend was
right...the strain was beginning to tell.
    “Tell you
what,” she said, buoyed by a sudden thought. “Let’s take a month off this
winter. Sales are

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