Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12)

Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12) by Rachel Roberts Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12) by Rachel Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Roberts
his bonded dragon.
    “And all the other dragons, too,” Drake pointed out. “ The shadow dragon wanted to steal their magic.”
    “But how did you know it would work?” Zach asked her.
    “’Cause I’m the blazing star, that’s how.” Kara grinned.
    Adriane gave her a look, then sighed.
    Drake snorted a puff of steam as Zach smiled warmly.
    Three wondrous creatures had materialized by the lakeshore: Gwigg, Ambia, and Marina. Green swirls of elemental magic trailed after Gwigg, the Earth Fairimental. A larger and leafier version of Tweek, Gwigg resembled a tumbleweed jammed full of moss and flowers.
    “Welcome, mages.” Gentle breezes swirled from the nearly translucent figure of Ambia, the Air Fairimental. The sun glinted off the gentle curves in her wavy hair and slim figure, making her seem a creature composed of light as much as of air.
    Various delegations of spriggans, pixies, fairies, trolls, boggles, and assorted creatures hurried toward them, eager to hear what the Fairimentals had to say.
    “We need some answers,” Kara addressed the magical beings. “How do we get back into Avalon?”
    “You cannot. The gates are closed and you no longer have the key,” the Earth Fairimental announced. “It is only a matter of time before the Dark Sorceress unleashes a devastating wave of dark magic onto the web.”
    Kara exchanged a panicked look with Adriane. This was not what they were expecting the Fairimentals to say.
    “How do we stop her?” Kara asked.
    “There is only one thing you can do,” Marina the Water Fairimental announced, her watery form shimmering on the lake’s surface.
    “Anything we can do to help,” Adriane vowed.
    Gwigg continued, “We need your magic to create a shield that will hide us from the sorceress.”
    “We will store your magic in the Crystal Keep.” The Water Fairimental pointed at the gleaming dome on the other side of the Fairy Ring.
    Adriane frowned. “You asked us here just to charge the batteries for your shield?”
    Ambia spoke, her voice floating on the breeze. “The time of magic is over, the mages have failed. Our enemies will find and destroy us.”
    “We will fight with every tooth and claw!” Moonshadow growled, leading his mistwolf pack down the grassy hill to the lake.
    The mistwolves howled in agreement.
    “The sorceress is too strong. We cannot win,” Gwigg responded. “Therefore, we must protect The Garden.”
    “What?” Kara blurted. “You’re giving up?”
    “The healer became the dark mage,” Gwigg intoned. “Destruction is inevitable.”
    Emily lowered her head as the crowd erupted in panicked confusion.
    “Why? Why did you betray us?” shouted a spriggan.
    “She saved us only to destroy us!” charged a brownie.
    “Off with her jewel!” demanded a dwarf.
    “One mage has always gone dark before,” Ambia said. “You were the last chance to break the cycle.”
    “Emily’s not dark anymore!” Adriane protested.
    The crowds grumbled, unconvinced.
    Kara snapped her fingers, releasing a flurry of diamond sparkles. “All d-flies, front and center!”
    Bursts of magic erupted in the air as five brightly colored mini dragons appeared.
    Goldie, the bright golden mini, nuzzled into Kara’s neck.
    “Not me,” Kara told them. “Emily.”
    The five minis danced and spun around Emily. Three landed on her arms and one on each shoulder, jeweled eyes whirling.
    Dreamer and Lyra padded to Emily’s side followed by the mistwolf pack, led by Moonshadow. Dozens of unicorns soon surrounded the healer.
    Lorelei stepped forward, horn swirling with pure magic. “The unicorns stand with the healer.”
    “These are some of the most powerful animals on the web.” Kara marched up and down the line of creatures. “They are our friends, and more importantly, Emily’s friends. Do you see her taking their magic?”
    Her skeptical audience listened in silence.
    “No!” Kara asserted. “Emily is the same mage who saved Aldenmor. She

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