Gaining Gibbs (Marco's MMA Boys #4)

Gaining Gibbs (Marco's MMA Boys #4) by S. M. Donaldson Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Gaining Gibbs (Marco's MMA Boys #4) by S. M. Donaldson Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. M. Donaldson
or something.
    A knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts.
    I open the door. “Hey.”
    He gives me that signature panty-dropping grin. “Hey. You look sexy.”
    I feel the heat creeping up my face. “Thanks.”
    He pokes his head around me. “Hey, Mrs. Chambers.”
    She laughs. “I told you to call me Eve, young man.”
    He give her a charming grin. “Yes, ma’am.”
    “You two kids go on and have fun.”
    “See you later, Mom. I love you.”
    “Love you too, sweetie.”
    Once we get down to his truck, he turns to me. “Is she okay?”
    “She says she is, but I have my doubts. Something is going on. I’m going to call Sly and get him to stop by and check on her.”
    “Why not your sister?” he asks.
    “Kara is having a really hard time with this pregnancy. It’s a lot harder than when she was pregnant with Krista,” I say, trying to convey my concerns.
    “Maybe you should send Lox’s mom by, since she’s a nurse. I bet she would, and she could use some excuse about a baby shower or something.”
    That’s actually a great plan. “How did you get so smart?”
    He shrugs. “Just lucky, I guess.”
    I quickly call Lox’s mom, Elaine, and explain my worries. She and my mom have become friends since Kara and Sly got together. She basically raised Sly and Huck so she’s like their mom. “Thank you so much, Elaine.”
    “It’s okay, honey. I need to go by and see her anyway,” she says as we are ending the call.
    “It’s just this feeling, something is wrong.”
    “It’s all right, sweetie. You’re good to worry about her. I’ll call you if she needs you.”
    “Thanks, Elaine. I’ll talk to you later.” I end the call, feeling a little better about leaving my mom.
    “She gonna go by there?” Clay asks me after I set my phone down.
    I nod. “Yeah. Thanks, I’m glad you mentioned that. Sly doesn’t need to have to leave my sister and Krista. I got there today and she was running around naked. My sister was so tired she’d just given up,” I say with a little laugh.
    He shakes his head, never taking his eyes from the road. “So how long before everything is final and you’re a legal drug pusher?”
    I laugh and pop him on the arm. “Not funny, asshole. A little over a month.” I sigh. “I’m just really ready for it to be over. I’m tired of school. I’ve been going full-time for over four years. Between the classes I took in high school and never taking summers off, I’m exhausted. I just want to sit on a beach and drink. Take a fucking break, you know? But now I have to go to work. The few student loans I have will start having to be paid back in six months. And I really need to find my own place to live, I’m too old to be living at home with my mother. It’s been great this last year since I was doing my hours in nearby hospitals, but now I need to grow up.” I stop, realizing we are in a restaurant parking lot and I’m out of breath.
    He laughs, taking the keys from the ignition. “So you’re still the same. You keep everything so locked up that when that dam breaks, all the water rushes in and you flood the village.”
    I flip him a bird. Then I realize we’re at John John’s. It’s kind of like a hometown Dave and Buster’s. We used to love to come here, and I get super competitive when we play games. After we get out of the truck he grabs my hand, leading me to the door. “I figured I’d let you kick my ass a few times in here and clear out that head of yours.”
    I laugh and pull back from him a little. “Oh, you’re going to let me win…I don’t think so. I’m gonna beat your ass, Gibbs. It’s fucking on like donkey kong.”
    “I doubt that,” he scoffs.
    “Oh it is,” I say as we enter the building.
    A few hours later, we’ve played a dozen games of skee-ball, ate an entire large pizza and drained two pitchers of beer. As I swallow the last of my beer, I look to Clay. “Thanks for tonight. I needed this.” I motion around. “I needed a night

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