Gargoyle's Mate

Gargoyle's Mate by Nia K. Foxx Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Gargoyle's Mate by Nia K. Foxx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nia K. Foxx
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Paranormal, Interracial, African American, bwwm, shapeshifter
She deep throated him several times until he was a mass of quivering sensations. Gordy felt helpless to do anything but feel, enjoying the pressure of her tongue as it laved at the pronounced veins of his cock. He felt his climax grab him quickly as he was wrung dry by her sucking mouth.
    Although Fatima was no neophyte to travel excitement still bubbled within her from the moment she awakened to embark on her trip. The feeling only subsided slightly after the flight landed and she tiredly nestled into the comfortable luxury of waiting car, manned by another cap cwearing servant. She watched in exhausted joy as the city skyline gave way to lush countryside. They passed one vineyard then another or perhaps it was all one and the same. She was too fatigued to pay attention to where one began and another ended. Lulled by the easy rhythm of the vehicle and the never-ending greenery, Fatima fell into a weary slumber.
    She had no concept of how much time had passed when the car stopped. Bleary eyed, she blinked at the imposing wrought iron gate which separated them from what looked to be a dark road ahead. She leaned forward for a better view but wasn’t able to see exactly where the black metal ended beneath the dim illumination of light. The driver pressed a button on the leather console which triggered the gates to swing inward. They pulled slowly up the long drive. Her first sight was of manicured foliage which abounded in a sea of green.
    “My god!” she exclaimed in a whisper when what could only be described as an old world castle came into view. She didn’t care that her nose was practically pressed up against the passenger window like a child on a tour of a candy factory. Who wouldn’t be impressed by a structure which looked as if it were transported out of the 14 th century?
    “ Mademoiselle ” the young driver, extended a hand through the open rear door.
    “ Excus é moi .” Fatima blushed at being caught gawking. She took his offering and stepped onto the pebbled drive, staring up at the three-story aged structure with its stone walls and high minaret. Another man, much older, yet perfectly preserved, stood at the top of the steps leading into the house.
    “ Mademoiselle .” He bowed slightly’ she caught the twinkle in his blue eyes, which reminded her oddly of Lorn’s personal assistant and current driver.
    The elegant exterior was something to behold but she was bowled over by the beautifully maintained foyer. She felt as if she’d stepped back in time to an age when damsel were perpetually in distress and lords were literally master and king of all they surveyed.
    “I will show you to your room so you may settle in, m onsieur De LaRue will be back shortly.”
    “Thank you. May I ask your name?” If there was a hierarchal structure to be obeyed in the household she would definitely categorize herself among the servant class, after all she was employed by Lorn De LaRue like the rest of the staff.
    “Of course, where have my manners gone. I am Pierre. My son Luc escorted you here and I believe you met eldest son Mike in the States.”
    “Yes.” So that was it. She realized why he’d seemed so familiar. “It’s amazing the three of you work for Lor… Mr. De LaRue.”
    “Actually several members of my family work for him,” he added as he led her up a grand staircase. “Mike has resided overseas for nearly fifteen years. You will meet my wife and daughter later when m onsieur De LaRue introduces you to the rest of the staff,” he continued.
    Fifteen years ? She wanted to ask him more about it but became sidetracked while they walked down a long corridor passing a series of rooms. An eclectic collection of tapestries adorned the walls seeming to tell a story. Fatima paused in front of one, studying the brutal images. She identified gargoyles, humans, what appeared to be vampires, werewolves, large fairylike creatures and several other figures she couldn’t quite pinpoint. It appeared as

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