Ghost Girl in Shadow Bay: A Young Adult Haunted House Mystery
father...who also shot another man and then her
    "Hey, slow down." Erica frowned. "You're
starting to worry me."
    "You can't be any more worried than I am.
Something just doesn't seem right about this."
    "Yeah, I agree. You know, I read once that
violent dreams can sometimes be an omen of things to come."
    Peyton tensed. "Or maybe things that already
happened. Everyone in the dream wore outdated clothing. Even the
furniture in the house looked like something you'd see in an
antique store."
    "So you're saying this girl you thought was
alive is really dead and haunting you from a past life?"
    Peyton thought about it. "I'm not sure. But
I think whatever is going on has to do with her...and this
    Am I really saying that the house is
possessed by dead people? If so, what do they want with me?
    "So what do you plan to do about it?" Erica
sounded more than a little curious.
    "I have no idea," Peyton admitted shakily.
"I can't exactly tell my mother and stepdad. They'd probably lock
me up for sure if I added this on top of seeing the girl in the
    "Maybe you should quit while you're ahead
and come back to San Diego. Let someone else play ghost
    "Yeah, if only." Peyton rolled her eyes,
thinking that running away was not an option. Not yet anyway. "For
all I know, the whole thing is in my head. I suppose I'll have to
see it through, for better or worse."
    "If you say so." Erica paused. "So, what's
going on with the caretaker's cute son?"
    Peyton smiled dreamily. "We're still cool.
Bry hasn't exactly asked me out or anything, but I'm pretty sure he
likes me."
    "Well that's something. And since you
obviously feel the same way about him, maybe he can help you get to
the bottom of this--"
    "Maybe." Peyton kept an open mind where
Bryant was concerned. Would he keep an open mind where it concerned
her? "Oh, by the way, I also met a girl here."
    "A living, breathing one, I hope?"
    "That's so not funny." Peyton stuck her
tongue out. "She's alive just like you and me."
    "Sorry, I had to ask." Erica giggled. "So
you've already replaced your best friend?"
    Peyton chuckled, knowing she was just
teasing. "That'll never happen, Erica. Besides, Lily is only here
for the summer."
    "Good!" Erica said with satisfaction.
    When Peyton heard a noise outside the room,
she suspected it could be Vance so she cut the call short. "Gotta
go," she whispered. "Talk to you later." She disconnected.
    Peyton looked up as her stepdad walked into
the study. He frowned. "What are you doing up at this hour?"
    "Couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd come down
and read a little." Peyton flipped a page from the book she'd taken
off the shelf. "Or am I not allowed to do that either?"
    He stared at her. "Thought I heard you
    "Obviously not. Unless you think I'm
chatting up a storm with a ghost?"
    Vance looked toward the cabinet and Peyton
was sure he was on to her taking the cell phone. He turned back to
her, grinning sideways. "I don't believe in ghosts."
    She wrinkled her nose. "Didn't think
    "Don't stay up too long."
    "I don't intend to," she responded, feeling
she had dodged a bullet in going against his orders."
    Peyton waited till Vance left, then grabbed
the cell phone she'd stuck behind her in the chair and put it back
in the cabinet. Feeling courageous, she planned to use the phone
more often, figuring it was her right even if he felt
    By the time she went back to bed, Peyton was
actually afraid to go to sleep. What if she had the dream
again--twice in one night?
    A chill suddenly came over Peyton as though
she were being watched. How silly is that? There's no one
here . Or so she tried to keep telling herself.
    Soon her eyes began to carry a load and
Peyton drifted off to sleep.
    * * *
    Caitlyn appeared as Peyton sank into a deep
sleep. I'm sorry you're so troubled, Peyton. I wish I could make
the dreams go away. But I can't--not yet. Our spirits are
linked by time and this house. One cannot be at peace till

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