Ghost Light

Ghost Light by Rick Hautala Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Ghost Light by Rick Hautala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick Hautala
Tags: Horror
had told Cindy just that afternoon that she was going to do it—that she was going to leave Alex; so if she had said something to him, or if he had caught her while she was trying to get out of the house, he might have lost his temper and hit her—hit her hard! Cindy knew just how bad Alex’s temper was because he had turned it on her more than once. She knew how much he resented how close she and Debbie were. She tried like hell not to, but she could easily imagine Alex losing control and beating Debbie senseless, and then setting things up in the kitchen to look as though she had fallen and hit her head. Why the hell else would she have packed three suitcases unless she was planning to get the hell out of there?
    The heavy tread of footsteps on the stairs suddenly drew her attention. She clenched her fists and held her breath as she stared at the office door, watching, waiting for the doorknob to turn.
    Oh, Christ! If it’s Alex, I’ll just die! I swear to God I will!
    The doorknob turned, and the door swung slowly open. For a terrifying moment, a dark shape filled the doorway as someone—a man—walked into the office.
    “Sorry I’m late. Got tied up in traffic,” he said, breathing heavily as he placed a heavy-looking briefcase onto the coffee table. His clothes were rumpled from the humidity outside. His tie was askew, and his shoes were in desperate need of some polish. Strands of thinning, white hair flapped like a limp bird’s wing over the shiny dome of his balding head.
    “You must be Cynthia Toland,” the man said, stepping forward and extending his hand as Cindy stood up. They shook hands. Cindy was a bit taken aback by the clammy feel of his hand and the sour smell of his breath.
    “I’m Roy Krendall. Awfully sorry about what happened to your sister. A terrible tragedy.”
    It was murder! Cindy thought and almost said.
    “I’ll be with you in a moment,” Krendall said. “Just let me check for any messages and get some papers from my office. I’ll be right along. Please—” He walked to the closed door beside his secretary’s desk, opened it, and waved Cindy inside. “We’ll be meeting in my office. Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Mr. Harris isn’t here yet, is he?”
    Biting her lower lip, Cindy shook her head quickly.
    “Have any idea if he plans to show up?”
    Cindy tried to speak but couldn’t, and ended up simply shrugging. Her legs felt as brittle as match sticks that would break at any moment as she walked slowly into the room and took a seat in one of the two plush chairs angled in front of the wide, mahogany desk. The leather cushion of the chair whooshed as she sat down. She glanced quickly at the book cases, all packed tightly with law tomes and magazines, then twisted around so she could keep an eye on the door. She shuddered at the thought that Alex might enter the room and come up behind her without her knowing it. She sat there for several minutes, silently wringing her hands until Krendall reappeared, still looking wilted and harried as he slid his briefcase onto the desk and sat down heavily.
    “Well, I certainly hope your brother-in-law plans to be here soon,” Krendall said, stretching out his arm and glancing at his wristwatch. “This will affect him as much as it does you.”
    Burning with curiosity, Cindy almost asked if he could read it to her now so she could leave before Alex arrived, but the question died in her throat when the outside office door opened, and the secretary’s voice directed someone into the adjoining office.
    “Ah, here he is now,” Krendall said, standing up and going to the door to greet Alex.
    Cindy’s eyes narrowed to slits as she watched Alex shake hands with the lawyer, who expressed his sorrow at his loss. Then, moving slowly with his head slightly bowed, Alex took the chair opposite her. Tears stung her eyes, but she forced herself not to let them fall. Alex made fleeting eye contact with her and smiled tightly—more of a

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