Ghosts Beneath Us: A Third Spookie Town Murder Mystery (Spookie Town Murder Mysteries Book 3)

Ghosts Beneath Us: A Third Spookie Town Murder Mystery (Spookie Town Murder Mysteries Book 3) by Kathryn Meyer Griffith Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Ghosts Beneath Us: A Third Spookie Town Murder Mystery (Spookie Town Murder Mysteries Book 3) by Kathryn Meyer Griffith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Meyer Griffith
and gestured Abigail to take one beside her. “But I had a lot more in mind than that. I have a different sort of proposition for you. A bit unusual from what you’ve done so far, but I believe you could tackle it. I saw those murals you did for city hall and the library–they were great, so creative, by the way–and I had this idea.” The woman seemed excited.
    “Go ahead then and tell me what it is. I’ll listen.”
    “I know donuts. I know how to bake and sell them. I worked for twenty-years at a bakery in Waterloo, that’s about thirty miles from here, and I learned the business from bottom to top. I always wanted my own place, though. So for years I saved every dollar I earned and here I am.”  Kate’s arms spread and included where they were and her gaze traveled around the room. “I got this place dirt cheap but it is so run down it’s going to take a lot of work to decorate and open it. I need more than pictures or a mural. I thought that being a creative person, as well as an artist, you might be able to help me with that, too.”
    “You mean you want me to help you decorate and put together the whole place?” Now Abigail was looking around.
    “Yes. Everything it will need. I might be an expert at baking, but I know absolutely nothing about design, fabrics for curtains, carpets, the right furniture and color combinations for the walls and floors. I want the shop when it’s done to look beautiful. Then after the place is furnished I’d like you to paint pictures of my donuts on the walls. What do you think?”
    “But I’m not a professional decorator, Kate.”
    “I don’t think you’d need to be. You know color and what looks good. I’m awful with that remodeling stuff and I’m basically color blind. The person, I don’t know who it was because I didn’t catch their name, who told me about you mentioned that besides your usual artwork and those stunning murals you’ve painted all over town, they’d seen your house and what you’ve done with it. They said you completely renovated it yourself and you have a real eye for that sort of thing. They were sure you could handle this project.
    “Now don’t worry. You won’t have to actually do the labor, merely advise me on how to decorate, what type of furniture and stuff would look good in here…and paint the donut wall pictures. I think I’d like them somewhat large, but realistic looking, you know? Good enough to eat.
    “I’ll be truthful with you. I can’t afford to pay you a lot. I’m on a tight budget. But, besides what I can pay you,” and here she smiled, “you could have free donuts for the rest of your life.”
    Abigail laughed. “Well, that’s a real deal breaker for me. Donuts are as good as money, sometimes better. And my monetary fee? We can work that out. I like the idea of designing a bakery so I’ll cut you a break. When do you plan on opening?”
    “I hope in two months around the end of May or early June. I have workmen coming in tomorrow to begin the construction. I’m having them tear out all the old counters, rugs and that wall over there.” She pointed to a section of wall along the rear of the room. “It’ll open up this space here so there’s more room. If you’d like you could come by tomorrow morning any time after nine if you want to be here for that. You don’t have to. For the first part, the renovations, I could pay you per hour but the paintings we’ll discuss further and set a flat price for. I calculate the walls will be ready for those pictures around the middle of May.”
    Abigail had decided. The thought of renovating the bakery intrigued her. And it was work. Work was good. Free donuts for life! That alone was worth it, though donuts wouldn’t pay the electric or water bill, but the cash would.
    “All right, I accept.” Abigail put her hand out for the other woman to shake and she did. “I already have some notions on what you might do in here to make it a showplace. I have ideas on

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