me, Ms. Clarke. You haven’t been here before. It’s by invitation only. There is no name; it’s for private dining only. A very close associate of mine owns it. There is also no menu. You will not be disappointed with the food—or the service.”
Marta did not have to have it spelled out. It was all too clear. Maybe a bit too clear.
Sonny snapped his fingers, and two waiters arrived out of nowhere.
“What’s ya drinking, Ms. Clarke? You name it, we’s got it.”
Marta thought a minute. She wasn’t about to make this easy on her newfound friend.
“I assume you will have an assortment of cheeses before dinner. I would love Bordeaux, a Laffite Rothschild, 1984 or ’85 if you have one.”
Sonny did not know a Rothschild from a homemade bottle of dago red. He turned and looked at the waiter, who quickly scurried away.
“I’m sure we can find youse something.”
Mr. Yeung sat there, amused. He knew exactly what Marta was doing and was enjoying every minute of the embarrassment.
The waiter returned in a few minutes with a single glass of a deep purple wine. There was no bottle. Marta assumed it had to be very good, but not what she requested.
Had Marta not been a big girl with a big appetite, she never would have gotten through the antipasto. The meats and cheeses were all imported. She had a feeling they had never gone through US Customs.
The main course was chicken and veal in every manner you could imagine. Each with a special pasta and a traditional red sauce. It was to die for. Not the most appropriate term to use.
Dessert was coffee laced with sambucca and cannoli.
“Can I get you anything else, Ms. Clarke?”
“Thank you, Sonny. No. It was delicious. I’m sure I have never had such a meal before.”
“Good, then maybe we can get down to business.”
Xiang sat back, sipping his special brew tea, looked at Mr. Bonnonnos and Ms. Clarke, and waited for the show to begin. An hour later, she was escorted back to her ride. Her head was swimming.
Marta could not wait to call Billy Jo and let him know what had happened—but not in the limo. She had a few throwaway cell phones at home for just such an occasion.
You can never be too careful when talking on the phone, she thought. Any phone.
“What’s ya think?”
“I think you impressed her. I think she was a bit overwhelmed. I think she will talk it over with Mr. Gibson, her law partner, and I think she will say yes. Now can we conclude our own private business? It is late, and at my age, my body demands a full night’s sleep.”
“Of course, Mr. Yeung, of course.” Sonny signaled to his ever-present bodyguard. “More coffee and sambucca.”
“And what did you say?”
“I told him we were delighted with the opportunity but could not give him an answer until I spoke to my partner, meaning you. I let him know the increase in business would require additional staffing. At least one more full-time experienced lawyer. He told me to take as much time as we needed. He also stated the offer would be withdrawn in seventy-two hours if not accepted.”
“Sounds typical. I think we should talk in person. I’ll see you at noon tomorrow, your office. Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone.”
Marta was about to say, “ Do you think I’m crazy,” when the line went dead.
She said a quick prayer that the phone was the only thing that was now dead.
Billy sat in her office. His cell phone was softly playing Pandora.
“Do we need music at a time like this?” Marta remarked.
“We do if the room is being bugged.”
They were sitting right next to each other with soft jazz on.
Marta had not thought of that. Her eyes opened wide. The look was “ that’s not possible, is it?”
“Now, tell me word for word what Mr. Bonnonnos, or Sonny, as you like to call him, said to you.”
Marta was getting a bit edgy but repeated as much of the conversation as
Kit Tunstall, Kate Steele, Jodi Lynn Copeland