Gift Horse

Gift Horse by Bonnie Bryant Read Free Book Online

Book: Gift Horse by Bonnie Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bryant
her teachers, classmates, that kind of thing. Maybe we’ll find out she’s a dangerous psycho with a history of mental instability.”
    Lisa rolled her eyes. “I think we should probably wait to hear what Mr. Baker says,” she said logically. “After all, ifhe can trace where he got No-Name, it will be no problem for your parents to disprove Chelsea Webber’s claim. With no need for espionage.”
    “True,” Stevie said. Lisa’s words should have made her feel better, but they didn’t. What if Mr. Baker couldn’t prove where No-Name came from? What would happen then?
    The conversation was interrupted by Veronica’s arrival. “Oh, there you are,” she said when she spotted them. She rode over and dismounted. “It’s safe to go back now if you want. Chelsea Webber is gone. And I don’t think she’s likely to come back anytime soon.”
    “What did you say to her?” Carole asked curiously.
    Veronica smiled. “Well, I basically just gave her a piece of my mind. I told her exactly what I thought of her, and her grubby little plan to get her hands on Stevie’s horse. Oh yes, and then I threw in a few choice words about that hideous outfit she was wearing.”
    The others laughed, even Stevie. What Veronica had been doing was being the Veronica diAngelo they knew and hated, superior and snobbish enough to make the most determined visitor vanish. And for once, they appreciated every ounce of snottiness that Veronica had at her disposal.
    Veronica started to laugh, too. “I do have a way with people, don’t I?” she said. And that made the others laugh even harder.

W HEN S TEVIE ARRIVED home she found both her parents waiting once again for her. And the looks on their faces told her the news couldn’t be good.
    “What is it?” she demanded, a cold hard knot settling into her stomach. She still hadn’t quite recovered from her encounter with Chelsea at the stable. The other girl’s sudden appearance had taken her off guard and left her feeling shaken and helpless. And Stevie didn’t like feeling helpless, especially when it came to her horse. “What did Mr. Baker say?”
    “Oh, yes, Mr. Baker,” Mr. Lake said. “I did speak to him this morning. He bought No-Name with a group of horses, from an agent who got them from all different places. He’s going to try to trace where she came from, and your motherand I have started our own investigation as well. But these things take time, and No-Name’s history could be difficult or even impossible to trace.”
    Stevie shrugged. “Oh. Is that all you found out?”
    “Not quite,” Mr. Lake said. He glanced at his wife.
    “What is it?” Stevie demanded again, looking from one to the other. It wasn’t like her parents to be so hesitant. She had a bad feeling about what was coming.
    “Well, honey,” Mrs. Lake began, “your father also spoke to Mr. Webber this afternoon.…” She glanced at her husband.
    “That’s right, Stevie,” Mr. Lake said. He shook his head. “And try as I did, I couldn’t persuade him that No-Name isn’t Punk.”
    “But he has to prove that she
Punk, right?” Stevie said. “That’s what you said last night.”
    “Indeed he does,” Mrs. Lake replied grimly. “And he’s taken steps to enable himself to do just that.” She held up a couple of pieces of paper. They were very official-looking, covered with lots of typing.
    Stevie swallowed hard. “What are those?” she asked in a tiny voice.
    “This one is sort of the equivalent of a search warrant,” her mother explained. “It will allow the Webbers to have a vet examine No-Name.”
    “Oh,” Stevie said. That didn’t sound too bad. After all, any vet who examined No-Name would surely tell theWebbers that there was no way she could be the same horse as Punk. “What about that other one?”
    Mrs. Lake cleared her throat and glanced at her husband. “This one is a temporary restraining order,” she explained gently. “It forbids you to ride the horse until this

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