Gifted Curse (Curse Trilogy)

Gifted Curse (Curse Trilogy) by C.M. Owens Read Free Book Online

Book: Gifted Curse (Curse Trilogy) by C.M. Owens Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.M. Owens
erection sliding into me and swelling even more once it finally reaches its home.  He fills me completely before his lips consume mine again, and I quiver around him as my legs tighten around his waist to keep him from withdrawing even a fraction of the way.  I just want to feel his glorious body completely suctioned to mine for a minute longer.
    He finally breaks free from my greedy trap as he pulls back enough to let me feel the slow sliding motion once more, and then I hiss between my teeth when he drags out his slow seduction for far too long.
    I grip him to me, and his rhythm speeds up to be a more pleasurable, sensual, and damn unbelievable sensation.  I finally open my eyes to see his broad shoulders flexed with their perfection as he steadies himself to move in and out of me.
    I screech slightly when he reaches the point of starting my quickening.  It’s been so long since I’ve felt his touch, and I’m damn near dying for it.
    He moves slower and slower to drag out the suspenseful game of give and take.
    “Please,” I whimper, and I see him almost smirk when his lips return to mine and his more natural rhythm returns.
    “Did you miss me?” he salaciously inquires.
    “Yes,” I pant with an erotic huff,
    My lip almost tears against the blood bringers I never realized unsheathed.  His eyes fog over with lust pouring free as he stares into mine.  He spins around to jerk me to be on top, his hands cupping my ass lightly, giving me full control for a second.  My knees dig into the soft bed as I sit straight up, straddling him, and his hands have to move up to firmly grasp my hips in an effort to add some control to my frenzied rhythm.  I pull those controlling hands to my breasts, and his grip is almost too tight when his arousal reaches a new height.
    His ragged breaths chill my skin in the most incredibly delicious ways.  My heart thuds, stumbles, and drops to the ground to make way for my ecstasy.  His body almost trembles between my legs, and that’s damn near my undoing.  He grips me tighter when I find his needy point, and then I scream out as I finally find that long desired release I’ve desperately been seeking.  He thrusts in one last time before I feel his warmth surging through my body.  His pale blue eyes roll back into his head as a moan exudes from those soft, chilled lips.
    I collapse to his body, and he pulls me into an afterglow embrace as we both pant into each other’s ears.  I’m exhausted - sexually out of shape no doubt given the long drought I’ve been forced to endure.
    “I really don’t want to leave without you tomorrow.  Go talk to Clay about coming with us,” he breathlessly requests with a hint of neediness trying to hide in the undertones.
    I smile as I roll to be beside him, and his fingers trail up and down my back.  I kiss his perfect chest that I would love to bleed - a fantasy I’ll never live out.  I sigh out, releasing the scandalous image of what a blood fuck with my full blood would be like.  I smirk deviously when I see his curiosity for my wild mine gone awry.
    “What are you thinking about?” he prods.
    I lean over to retrieve my dropped phone from the floor beside the bed.  I can’t tell him I’m thinking about what it would be like to let his blood flow into my mouth before fucking him in ways I’ve only ever imagined.
    “I was thinking… I already planned on it.  I don’t want to be left behind either,” I chirp, and his lips intertwine with mine before I can say anything else.
    I giggle lightly as I pull back, and then I nestle into his arms while putting my back to his front.
    “What’s up, Araya?” Clay asks casually when he answers.
    “I want to go with you tomorrow.  I don’t want to stay at the compound,” I blurt out, and Brazen’s lips start strolling over my body to show his appreciation.
    I stifle another giggle while Clay sighs into the phone.
    “I can’t do that.  You know how dangerous it could be for someone

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