“Where were you last . . .” Is anybody listening to me . . . ? Where’s Moss . . . ? Where . . . ?
Baylen: Levene? (To Williamson :) Is this Lev . . . (Baylen accosts Lingk.)
Levene (Taking Baylen into the office): Ah. Ah. Perhaps I can advise you on that. . . . (To Roma and Lingk, as he exits:) Excuse us, will you . . . ?
Aaronow (Simultaneous with Levene’s speech above) : . . . Come in here . . . I work here, I don’t come in here to be mistreated . . .
Williamson: Go to lunch, will you . . .
Aaronow: I want to work today, that’s why I came
Williamson: The leads come in, I’ll let . . .
Aaronow: . . . that’s why I came in. I thought I . . .
Williamson: Just go to lunch.
Aaronow: I don’t want to go to lunch.
Williamson: Go to lunch, George.
Aaronow: Where does he get off to talk that way to a working man? It’s not . . .
Williamson (Buttonholes him): Will you take it outside, we have people trying to do business here . . .
Aaronow: That’s what, that’s what, that’s what I was trying to do. (Pause.) That’s why I came in . . . I meet gestapo tac . . .
Williamson (Going back into his office): Excuse me . . .
Aaronow: I meet gestapo tactics . . . I meet gestapo tactics . . . . That’s not right. . . . No man has the right to . . . “Call an attorney,” that means you’re guilt . . . you’re under sus . . . “Co . . . ,” he says, “cooperate” or we’ll go downtown. That’s not . . . as long as I’ve . . .
Williamson (Bursting out of his office): Will you get out of here. Will you get out of here. Will you. I’m trying to run an office here. Will you go to lunch? Go to lunch. Will you go to lunch? (Retreats into office . )
Roma (To Aaronow ): Will you excuse . . .
Aaronow: Where did Moss . . . ? I . . .
Roma: Will you excuse us please?
Aaronow: Uh, uh, did he go to the restaurant? (Pause.) I . . . I . . . (Exits.)
Roma: I’m very sorry, Jimmy. I apologize to you.
Lingk: It’s not me, it’s my wife.
Roma (Pause.): What is?
Lingk: I told you.
Roma: Tell me again.
Lingk: What’s going on here?
Roma: Tell me again. Your wife.
Lingk: I told you.
Roma: You tell me again.
Lingk: She wants her money back.
Roma: We’re going to speak to her.
Lingk: No. She told me “right now.”
Roma: We’ll speak to her, Jim . . .
Lingk: She won’t listen.
Detective sticks his head out.
Baylen: Roma.
Lingk: She told me if not, I have to call the State’s attorney.
Roma: No, no. That’s just something she “said.” We don’t have to do that.
Lingk: She told me I have to.
Roma: No, Jim.
Lingk: I do. If I don’t get my money back . . .
Williamson points out Roma to Baylen.
Baylen: Roma! (To Roma :) I’m talking to you . . .
Roma: I’ve . . . look. (Generally:) Will someone get this guy off my back.
Baylen: You have a problem?
Roma: Yes, I have a problem. Yes, I do, my fr . . . It’s not me that ripped the joint off, I’m doing business. I’ll be with you in a while. You got it . . . ? (Looks back. Lingk is heading for the door.) Where are you going?
Lingk: I’m . . .
Roma: Where are you going . . . ? This is me. . . . This is Ricky, Jim. Jim, anything you want, you want it, you have it. You understand? This is me. Something upset you. Sit down, now sit down. You tell me what it is. (Pause.) Am I going to help you fix it? You’re goddamned right I am. Sit down. Tell you something . . . ? Sometimes we need someone from outside. It’s . . . no, sit down. . . . Now talk to me.
Lingk: I can’t negotiate.
Roma: What does that mean?
Lingk: That . . .
Roma: . . . what, what, say it. Say it to me . . .
Lingk: I . . .
Roma: What . . . ?
Lingk: I . . .
Roma: What . . . ? Say the words.
Lingk: I don’t have the power. (Pause.) I said it.
Roma: What power?
Lingk: The power to negotiate.
Roma: To negotiate what? (Pause.) To negotiate what?
Lingk: This.
Roma: What, “this"? (Pause.)
Lingk: The deal.
Roma: The “deal,” forget the deal. Forget the
Jody Pardo, Jennifer Tocheny