God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions)

God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions) by Paul J. Loth Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions) by Paul J. Loth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul J. Loth
Thinking Step
    Name a person you depend on.
    Why do you depend on this person? Why do you trust him or
The Listening Step
    People were excited to see Jesus. They had been waiting a
long time. Crowds pressed all around Him.
    A woman was there who had been sick for 12 years. She had
spent all her money on doctor bills, but she was still sick. She wanted Jesus
to heal her, “If I can just touch his clothes, I will get well,” she said to
    The woman came up behind Jesus and touched His clothes. As
soon as she touched them, she became well.
    “Who touched me?” Jesus asked. Then He turned around and saw
the woman. She knelt down before Jesus and explained why she touched Him.
“Don’t worry!” Jesus told her. “You are now well because of your faith.”
    She believed in Jesus, and He made her well.
The Talking Step
    Name a time you trusted God to take care of you. What
    What is something you could trust God for today?
The Praying Step
    Dear God, I have faith in You. I know You can take care of
me. I want to trust You more
If you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for.
Matthew 21:22
Jesus Helped Two Blind Men to See
Matthew 9:27-31

The Thinking Step
    Do you know someone who can do anything? Who?
    Why do you think this person can do anything?
The Listening Step
    Jesus had just helped a lot of people. He had healed a woman
who had been sick for 12 years, and He had brought a little girl back to life.
People wanted to be near Jesus. They wanted Him to teach them about God and
heal them.
    Two blind men called out to Jesus: “Have pity on us!” They
wanted Jesus to help them see again. Jesus walked up to the two blind men: “Do
you believe that I can make you well?” “Yes, Lord,” they answered.
    Jesus reached out His hands and touched their eyes. “Because
of your faith, you will be healed,” He said to them. As soon as Jesus said
that, the men could see. They believed in Jesus, and He healed them.
The Talking Step
    Do you believe God can help you? Why?
    What can you do to show God you believe in Him?
The Praying Step
    Dear God, I believe in You. I want to show You I have faith
in You. I want to allow You to take care of me.
Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we
cannot see.
Hebrews 11:1
Jesus Fed 5,000 Men
Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:32-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-13

The Thinking Step
    Have you ever been really hungry? How did you feel?
    What did you do?
The Listening Step
    Jesus wanted to be alone, lie took a boat across the lake to
a place where no one lived. But the people followed Him.
    When Jesus saw all the people, He felt sorry for them. Many
of them were sick. Jesus healed them. Then He taught them about God.
    Jesus’ disciples said to Him, “Let the crowds leave, so they
can go to the villages and buy some food.”
    “They don’t have to leave,” Jesus told them. “Why don’t you
give them something to eat?” “We have only five small loaves of bread and two
fish,” the disciples told Jesus.
    The disciples brought the food to Jesus. Jesus took the food
and blessed it. Then He gave it to the disciples to pass out to the people. All
the people ate until they could not eat any more.
    Jesus took care of the hungry people. He gave them food to
eat. They were not hungry anymore.
The Talking Step
    Do you think God cares when you are hungry? Why? Why not?
    Do you think God gives you food to eat when you need it?
The Praying Step
    Dear God, thank You for taking care of me. Thank You for
making sure I have food to eat and keeping me from going hungry.
More than anything else, put God’s work first and do what he wants. Then
all the other things will be yours as well.
Matthew 6:33
Jesus Let the Disciples Help Him
Matthew 10:1-11:1; Mark 6:7-13, 30; Luke 9:1-10

The Thinking Step
    When was the last time you helped your mom or dad? Did they
need your help?
    Have your parents or teacher let you help them when they did
not need your

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