Goddess of Light

Goddess of Light by P. C. Cast Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Goddess of Light by P. C. Cast Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. C. Cast
haven’t been watching them. At least not like you’re making it sound. I have visited the Underworld as Hades’ guest—several times.” He finished quickly.
    So that was where he had disappeared to lately. She had just assumed he was visiting the Ancient World to oversee his oracle or to stir up something interesting, perhaps a minor war or two. Instead he had been Hades’ guest in the Underworld? How strange.
    â€œHades has always been different from the rest of us. Why are you letting his eccentricities bother you?”
    â€œYou don’t understand.”
    His eyes had a sad, introspective cast that continued to trouble Artemis. “Then explain it to me.”
    â€œHades doesn’t bother me. The mortal he loves doesn’t bother me. I bother me.”
    â€œYou aren’t making sense.”
    â€œI realize that. I hardly make sense to myself. All I know is that for the first time in my existence I have glimpsed something that I desire, and I have no idea how to attain it.”
    Arthemis’ first instinct was to scoff and to remind her brother that women were easily had, but something in the tone of his voice stayed her abrupt comment. Instead, she watched him carefully as she sipped her drink. He looked tired, and Apollo never looked tired. Was it possible that he was pining for a mortal woman? She remembered the last mortal who had refused Apollo’s love. Her name had been Cassandra, and he hadn’t become withdrawn and introspective then, he had become angry—so angry that he had negated the gift of prophecy he had given her. But mortals like Cassandra were the exception. Apollo was a legendary lover. Nymphs swooned when he smiled; even goddesses vied for his attention. Could desire for a mortal have so clouded his memory that he’d forgotten his own powers of seduction?
    A commotion drew her attention from Apollo. Not far from them a little group of forest nymphs dressed in diaphanous white robes were talking in excited little bursts, completely unaware that every mortal man within sight was staring hungrily at them.
    Apollo followed her gaze and smiled fondly at the bright cluster of nymphs. “It might not have been wise to allow the nymphs access to the modern world.”
    â€œLet them have their fun; they’re harmless.”
    â€œHow harmless they are would depend upon whether you are a mortal man caught in the wake of their allure,” he said wryly.
    As if the handsome god’s gaze called to them, several of the nymphs rushed up to Apollo.
    â€œMy Lord! Have you heard? Bacchus has asked us to frolic for the mortals!”
    â€œYes! We are to perform a ritual of invocation.”
    â€œYou should watch, my Lord!”
    â€œYes, please come watch us!”
    The group giggled and posed alluringly for their favorite golden god before scampering off.
    Artemis laughed at their childlike exuberance, but when she glanced at Apollo, she saw that he was staring after the little group, and his brow was furrowed.
    â€œWhat are they invoking?” Apollo muttered more to himself than to his sister.
    Artemis nibbled at her last olive. “Blessings . . . fertility . . . good health . . . you know, the normal things nymphs frolic around invoking. Are you going to eat that last olive?”
    Apollo shook his head. His sister stabbed his olive with her toothpick and popped it into her mouth.
    â€œZeus made it clear that we were not to use our powers to meddle in the modern world.”
    â€œBy Zeus’ beard you have become as dour as dead Tiresias!” Her anger sizzled around them, causing the toothpick that she still held between her fingers to burst into flame. Annoyed, the goddess rolled her eyes and blew away the ash. “Mortal lives are like their little trinkets and playthings: fragile, easily consumed and just as easily replaced.”
    â€œYou’re comparing mortals to a sliver of wood?” he said, still staring

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