Going Cowboy Crazy

Going Cowboy Crazy by Katie Lane Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Going Cowboy Crazy by Katie Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Lane
Tags: Fiction, Romance, FIC027020
her legs across his lap just as the lights grew brighter. In a cacophony of rumbling engine and blaring country music, the vehicle pulled up next to them.
    “Hey, Bubba!”
    Slate cringed slightly before he leaned out the window. “Did you need something, Billy Ray?”
    “Coach?” The boy’s voice hit a high note and was followed with another boy’s “shit.”
    “What are you boys doing out here?” Slate’s deep authoritative tone surprised Faith. Probably because she’d already pegged him as a good old boy—a friendly cowboy with a killer smile who teased everyone he met. Although in the last few seconds, he hadn’t been so friendly.
    “Nothin’, Coach. We was just gonna sit and talk.”
    “You know the rules during the season. Curfew’s eight on the weeknights, ten on the weekends. No drinkin’ and no dates. Now you get those girls home before their mamas call Sheriff Winslow, and I decide to bench you the next game.”
    “Right, Coach. Sorry.”
    The vehicle left in a shower of gravel, the music fading in the distance.
    Once they were gone, the awkwardness set in.
    But it was hard not to feel awkward when you were half naked, with your legs sprawled all over a man’s lap. A complete stranger, no less. She tried to scramble up to a sitting position, but his hands slid up her thighs, trailing a line of fire that took her breath away.
    “Hey, now.” The grinning cowboy was back. “Where do you think you’re going?”
    “I really—” Faith squeaked and grabbed his hands in an attempt to stop the marauding fingers from getting any closer to the needy pulse between her legs. “I-I really need to get back to my car.”
    His fingers froze against the tops of her thighs, andthere was a long, uncomfortable silence as he stared down at her. Thankfully, it was now dark enough that she couldn’t see his eyes. Those hazel peepers had some weird mind-altering effect on her.
    “Excuse me?”
    She swallowed. “I need to go.”
    He removed his hands and shifted around in the seat. “You’re kidding?”
    Refusing to look at him, she sat up. “Actually, no. I’m sorry, but…” She jerked her pants up from the floor and tried to locate her panties. “This was a mistake. I-I don’t even know you—I mean, I know who you are, but I don’t really know you… personally.”
    Slate reached up and unhooked her panties from the rearview mirror. “And I was about to remedy that, darlin’.”
    Her face heated up as she pulled the cotton panties from his hand. Now that she’d found her clothes, she couldn’t bring herself to put them on. Not when he watched her every move. So instead she held them over her lap and proceeded to do what she always did when she got nervous.
    “Yes, well… I’ve got this goal to find my sister, and only a few weeks to do it in, and I really can’t be distracted by a good-looking cowboy who kisses really great. I need to stay focused until I find her. Then after I find her, I need to get back to my life in Chicago because with my mother’s illness and the funeral and this trip, I don’t think my boss is exactly thrilled by my productivity—and everyone knows how competitive technology is. And besides work, I need to sell my parents’ house. And I justbought a new condo that still isn’t decorated—so getting involved with someone right now would be really stupid.” She turned to him. “I’m sure you can understand.”
    “I’m not sure I can, darlin’. But I liked the part about a good-looking cowboy who’s a great kisser.”
    “Oh.” Faith really liked that part, too, which made it hard to get the next words out. “I need for you to take me back to my car… please.”
    “That’s what I was afraid of.” He studied her for a few seconds more before he opened the door and the cab filled with harsh light.
    She gripped her pants tighter. “What are you doing?”
    “I need a little air, sweetheart.” Slate lifted his eyebrows at her. “I don’t

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