Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1)

Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1) by Lee Cooper Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1) by Lee Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Cooper
pocket dynamo. Stalking him until I could pick my moment, being patient, when the time came at last. It all shifted into slow motion.
      His feet bore forward, trying to sink his face into my chest and force me back, but I glimpsed his legs move and threw a straight. It mauled into his face, terminating his advance, almost as if somebody turned the switch off, he crumpled to the floor. I had warned him. He needed to learn not to fuck with me.
      The same rescue-squad came to his aid. Tim the first in there to help. Mike by his side, probably just to check he wasn’t dead for his own benefit. Once Mike was able to feel a pulse, he left the ring.
      “Boy, you’ve got a habit of doing this?”
      “Tell your boys to stop taking the piss, ‘en I might take it easy.” A couple minutes of trivial chit-chat went by before Mike asked me about my past fights, then he turned to my job dilemma.
      “Tim tells me you’re out of work?”
      “Aye, haven’t worked for a while.”
      “You fancy making some money?”
      “Doing what?”
      “Looking for somebody to take a fight in a few weeks. Easy night’s work. Interested?”
      “Na, I can’t.” May would never allow it.
      “£400 for a night's work. An easy night’s work for a man of your talents.” His compliments were meant to rope me in.
      “I don’t know, Mike.” If May knew I accepted a fight, she would have a fit.
      “Well, you have a wee think about it, Joe. Get back to me. I can tell you’re a fighter.”
      Mike walked away at that point leaving me something to mull over. Four hundred quid for a professional fight would really help us out over the next month with all the bills piling up. Mortgage, gas, electricity and food all needed to be paid for, and I couldn’t see any answer to my problems or any other way of bringing in money. I couldn’t let May go through all the constant worry. I instantly knew I needed a cover to fight.
    Chapter 11
      The following day, the stacking bill problem really hit home. Through the post came the red letters: final reminders for the gas and electricity, the mortgage three months late and the phone cut-off, which meant no internet access.
      No internet meant I couldn’t apply for jobs at home. Hiding the gas and electricity bill from May for the time being, seeing her showing signs of breaking down, I didn’t want the bill finding its way into her hands, just yet. She seemed stressed and snappy. That was so out of her character, normally so laid back, just taking things in her stride.
      It was there and then that Mike's offer started to make a lot of sense. £400 for one night's work? That would cover some of the overdue money on the mortgage.
      We could use May’s wage and my welfare cheque to pay the gas and electricity bill. It would put us above sinking level for the time being. Give us a chance to breathe for a couple weeks. The last thing I wanted to do was lie to my family, but it seemed the only option.
      Stuck between the family’s need for money and my weakening morals, my decision was made. I was going to take the fight. I used the weekend to ponder how keeping it quiet from May would work. Coming to the conclusion I’d have to make up some kind of story about picking up some weekend work or a night job, sneak away, having Tim cover the story if need be.
      The weekend was spent as usual, entertaining the kids and visiting May's parents in Stonehaven. It was pretty boring and I didn’t really get involved either. I didn’t gel with her parents anyway. My mind was too occupied on what was going to take place in the upcoming weeks.
      Little did I know at the time how much this was going to change my life and me.
      Tuesday arrived and I was very eager to talk to Mike regarding this fight. Tim picked me up as normal, 6.30 on the dot and I wasted no time in telling him my plans as I entered the car.
      “Tim, I’m going to take that fight Mike

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