Guardians of Ga'Hoole 03 - The Rescue

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so close to them. I knew it was them.”
    Digger now spoke. “But why do you say that it is and it isn’t true that they are dead, Soren?”
    “Mrs. Plithiver told me that one reason the scrooms of owls do not go to glaumora is because they have unfinished business on earth. I think Mum and Da’s unfinished business was to warn me about Metal Beak. We must find this Metal Beak, and I think that the best way is to go to the rogue smith of Silverveil.”
    “But we can’t, Soren,” Eglantine said in an almost whiny voice. “I have navigation and Ga’Hoolology, and they really get mad at us new owls if we skip class. Especially the Ga’Hoolology ryb. She says that these are the most important days for the tree.”
    Ga’Hoolology was the study and care of the great tree, which not only gave habitat to the owls of Ga’Hoole but nourishment through its nuts and berries. Indeed,there was hardly a part of the tree that was not used in some way.
    “Yes, but the berry harvest is coming up,” Soren said.
    “So?” said Eglantine.
    “It’s a big festival.” Gylfie turned to Eglantine. “There are no chaw practices or classes for three days. We all have to help with the harvest and then on the third night, there’s a big banquet that goes on every night for another three or four at least, to celebrate. They say the rybs always get very tipsy on the milkberry wine. It’ll be the easiest time to fly off with no one noticing.”
    “Oh,” said Eglantine. She sounded slightly deflated as if some last hope had vanished for her. “So when does this festival start?”
    “Five days,” Digger said.
    “Five days!” Eglantine sounded panicked.
    “Yes,” said Soren. “But we shouldn’t plan to leave until after the banquet is really going. The banquets don’t begin for another eight days.”
    “Yes, yes,” everyone agreed. They began making plans immediately. Should it just be the five of them or should they include others like Martin and Ruby? Soren felt it might be a good idea because colliers knew the ways of smiths and other colliers and, quite honestly, Soren realized he did not want to take on the entire burden withthis rogue smith. She might prove difficult. He wondered to himself if Eglantine was really strong enough to go yet. She still seemed frail to him—even though it had been almost two months since her rescue—not just physically frail, but frail in the gizzard. Then again, would her feelings be hurt if she were left behind?
    “What about Otulissa?” Gylfie asked.
    There was a resounding “No!”
    “She can’t keep her beak shut,” said Twilight.
    “Right,” said Digger. “She’ll be hooting about it all over the tree.”
    “I can come, can’t I, Soren?” Eglantine asked in a small tremulous voice.
    “Do you feel strong enough?”
    “Of course I do!”
    Soren didn’t have the heart to say no.
    Then another thought suddenly occurred to him. “You know, all this time I have been thinking that this Metal Beak, whoever he is, might be the one who killed the Barred Owl. Do you suppose that—”
    It was as if the three owls, Twilight, Digger, and Gylfie, all read Soren’s mind. “Ezylryb,” they all gasped.
    “Exactly. Do you think Metal Beak could have something to do with Ezylryb’s disappearance?” The owls began whispering in excited voices.
    “We must work out our strategy,” Gylfie said.
    “We better go to the library and look at maps of Silverveil,” Digger added.
    “Well, Bubo said the rogue smith was on the border between Silverveil and The Barrens. So doesn’t that mean it could be in either place?” Soren asked.
    “But they call her the rogue smith of Silverveil,” Gylfie said. “So most likely she is closer to Silverveil.”
    There were countless details to work out. Should they “borrow” battle claws from the armory? No, they would be found out immediately even if the older owls were tipsy. Could they leave any earlier? What weather was coming in? If it was a

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